August 14, 2,002
What About Elvis?

Linda had a great interview yesterday morning with WDVD in Detroit, Michigan.  They offered to have us come to Detroit and do a concert of John Lennon's new music, paying our expenses.  Linda excitedly accepted, but when I got home I told her it would be impossible and we wouldn't be able to do it, even though I've got a week off coming the first week of September.  Our financial situation and my health makes such an effort impossible at this time.  I am so tired when I get home after a day's work I can barely get what needs to be done done.  We could not, at this time, take that much away from The Kingdom Of God's effort to save mankind, though it would be fun, I'm sure.  We have not had the time to rehearse that would be needed to do a proper job on such an effort.  Perhaps when our financial situation is resolved we could accept such an invitation, but it would be impossible now.
Our friend on PBS, The humble Farmer, wrote and asked "What about Elvis?"  We are not allowed to release much information on Elvis other than he has been reincarnated in South America and is carrying on a very beneficial life for all those around him, striving to undo some of the mistakes he made in his last lifetime.  He does not want a lot of information given out because he does not want thousands of curiosity seekers rushing to South American trying to find him.  If anyone should come out and start saying "I've found Elvis!" don't believe them.  It will be a fake. He will not make anyone aware that he is Elvis' reincarnation, though he, himself, is aware.
John Lennon and George Harrison, however, are planning a big concert this upcoming sabbath after the regular sabbath celebrations to honor Elvis.  They'll probably do a couple of hours exclusively of his music.  That ought to be a performance!  How we wish we could somehow record some of these sessions in The Afterlife and sell them to the public!  We would make millions!  During last week's impromptu session John threw his guitar to Mary, Queen Of Scots, who has become part of their band.  She began to play as he went back to his piano, and she was fantastic!  Her and George and King John were just grooving together, and the audience was going crazy!  The way their little group has lifted the morale in The Afterlife even in these terrible, terrible times is phenomenal!  Without them no one would have been able to survive.  Without John Lennon no one would've survived.  Heaven's miracles are phenomenal, and they just keep coming.
Got another question.  "What would the Arab countries have to do to get The Kingdom Of God to stop the attacks on them?  There must be something!"  They would have to do three things; one, recognize Israel at its current borders, and insure peace with it, and guarantee its sovereignty, even to the point of sending troops to defend it.  Two, they would have to accept The Kingdom Of God's Peace Proposal of a separate homeland for The Palestinians outside of Israel.  Three, they would have to forbid all religious teachings created by man as an excuse to attack Israel for an example, the false teachings that Muhammed ascended at Jerusalem, and not Mecca, would have to be stopped and proclaimed as what they are; propaganda made up by those that wanted to attack Israel as an excuse to attack them.  If these three fundamental steps were met, The Kingdom Of God would cease Its attacks on the Arab world, and begin to restore some energy to them.  But these would only be the beginning steps.  Much would have to be done before total restoration of The Kingdom Of God's power to them would be completed, but these would be the fundamental first steps.  The hate, the lies, MUST stop!

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