December 19, 2,002
A Bit Of Good News

Had not intended an email this morning but literally, as I was taking my shower I got a surprising message.  The Kingdom Of God has decided to shut down this Christmas' anti buying campaign.  With the arrest and guilty plea of David Duke, considered by The Kingdom Of God one of Its greatest enemies, and another substantial victory that we cannot report, The Kingdom Of God feels the anti buying campaign has accomplished what it wished to accomplish.  So They are just going to let things go their natural course the rest of the season.

Speaking of The Kingdom Of God's enemies, several of our associates were upset about what we said concerning Hillary Clinton.  It must be remembered by all that Hillary Clinton is the greatest evil on Earth at this time.  She is the focal point of the dark ones' power, the instrument they are using in their efforts to destroy mankind.  To The Kingdom Of God she is Public Enemy #1, and They can have no good feelings towards her at all.  Some people have said "Oh, if you met her you'd know how wonderful she is, and your opinion would change."  Hillary Clinton is such a profound creature of evil that I would not even let her in my house!  She would not even be permitted to visit me.  We do not associate with evil, we only fight and destroy it.  People must understand how deep are The Kingdom Of God's feelings on this matter.  It is not a trivial thing.  They can wish no good to Hillary Clinton, They seek only to remove her from the American political scene so Jesus will return to His throne.  She is called in Heaven The Great Harlot, The New Jezebel.
And The Kingdom Of God has given The United States' Military another break.  There is a great controversy going on inThe Afterlife on rather or not The Kingdom Of God should directly attack American troops in the battle with Iraq if The United States fails to support The Kingdom Of God's policies.  Even Lord Peter was not sure on how this situation should be handled, so he sent an emissary to The White House where Jesus continues to haunt President Bush, to get Jesus' feelings on the matter.
 Jesus' answer was quick and certain.  "No!"  The Kingdom Of God has been fighting a passive conflict.  It is bad enough that They have denied all help to American forces, and are systematically draining the spiritual energy, the life energy from great portions of the world.  Jesus does not want to start attacking the innocent because their leaders are not following The Kingdom Of God's wishes.  So, for now, those forces heading for The Middle East have one thing in their favor.  The Kingdom Of God will not attack them.  It may not help them, but It's not going to attack them. And at least that's something!  These are very difficult times, very difficult times, indeed!
We have been asked what has happened to our prediction that Al Quaida will attack The Saudi Royal Family, that it hasn't happened yet.  The plot is still in the works.  Apparently the CIA's execution of the Al Quaida operatives in Yemen has temporarily delayed the effort.  But the Al Quaida operatives in Saudi Arabia are still plotting.  They still want complete control of Saudi Arabia before The U.S. and Iraq go to war, and they cannot do that with The Royal Family in the way.  So they are still planning to eliminate them.  We are in hopes that The Saudis will come to realize they have serpents in their midst, and take action before it is too late, that they can uncover this horror and stop it before it unfolds.  The Kingdom Of God does not want to see the death of the innocents.

FOOTNOTE:  Linda will no longer be having her morning chat room.  She will be available for interviews now between 7 and 9 central time.  The phone lines will actually be open until 11.  So if you need a fill in she could be available. And  you're always welcome.


   Swimming Pools On The Old Worlds

Got another interesting question.  Where people liked to bathe so much on The Old Worlds were swimming pools popular?  Well, this took a bit of research!  They're only mentioned once in the old writings. So we had to go back and talk to some people.
Where water was so rare on Hades only the very very rich could afford swimming pools.  And they were usually covered to keep the water from evaporating.  So you would not see back yards full of them as you do on Earth.  But where water was available The Hashons enjoyed swimming.  And there were many resorts where people went to swim.
The Peepians, before the great holocaust that nearly destroyed them, had many swimming pools.  But after the holocaust they became virtually non existent.  Using that much water for pleasure would have been unthinkable!
The Havens did not enjoy swimming.  There were too many things in their oceans and rivers that wanted to eat them.  They prefered to bathe in safe places.  Perhaps this is why bathhouses were so popular.  They had no swimming pools

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