December 23, 2,002
Don't Tell God

Got a lewd comment about God bestowing His power on The First Lady, Laura Bush.  A printable translation of what the individual said would be this; "Give me a break!  The next thing you'll be telling me is that The First Lady can perform marriages, baptisms, and ordain ministers.  This is ridiculous!  It is crap!  God would not give a woman such power.  It is against all the principles of Christianity.  You're such a fraud, I don't know why you send out these ridiculous stories!"
Well, to answer this person's comments The First Lady is anointed by God.  That gives her all the powers that God gives anyone else He anoints.  Yes, she most certainly can join men and women in the bonds of holy matrimony.  And she most certainly can baptize any individual into The Faith Of God.  As far as appointing ministers she can recommend any that she feels worthy to help her carry on the work that God has given her, and, with my approval, ordain them.  God gives any woman whatever power He feels like giving her!  And if an ignorant man doesn't like that, God will tell him where he's going to go, and shut the Gates to Heaven so there'll be ample opportunity for him to go there!  Don't ever tell God what He can't do!
Got some interesting news this weekend.  Mary has asked the extra terrestrials to bring her back closer to Earth so she'll only be about a month's travel away.  The Kingdom Of God is extremely excited about this.  They feel Mary senses something and is preparing to return.  Let us pray they're right!
We mentioned in a previous email my book, The Fighting President, that would definitely upset The North Koreans more than the James Bond movie.  We have put the first few chapters online, at Jesus bequest.  He says if you want the rest find us a publisher!

(This book is no longer available.)

We have removed the extra bandwidth from the Angelfire site.  Where there will only be five "Here's Jesus!" segments a week now, it shouldn't be that difficult for people to get to them.  We may go back to more segments if popularity picks up.  The price of the "Here's Jesus!" segments now is $25.00 a week, $100.00 a month, still a very reasonable price for what the stations would be getting.  We took down Jesus' description of how He dealt with Senator Wellstone.  If people want this back up somebody would have to donate us some web space and bandwidth so we could put it somewhere.
Jesus and I were discussing this morning the possibility of a New Year's celebration in The Kingdom Of God.  They have said if we could win one more major victory in the next few days They would feel it appropriate to have the most spectacular New Year's celebration imaginable!  During this conversation the subject was brought up that the Democrats are doing all in their power to position The Harlot (Hillary Clinton) for a run for The Presidency as a reward for not leaving her husband as she should have done, and condemning his evil.  I jokingly said "We need an opposing candidate."  Jesus answered "We already have one.  Why do you think The Father has bestowed His Power on the present First Lady?  It is our intention that when her husband finishes his term of office she run as her party's candidate and continue the efforts of The Kingdom Of God."
I had somewhat suspected this was The Kingdom Of God's plan, why They were so centering Their efforts on The First Lady.  But to have Jesus admit it, to openly state that They intend to use Laura Bush to fight The Harlot is profound.  This is going to be an interesting struggle to watch, to see how it will unfold.  Jesus also mentioned he wanted me to go to Washington and be The First Lady's official speech writer.  The liberals wouldn't like that at all!
Remember, Linda is available for interviews daily after 7 a.m. Central Time!



Here's another good question!  Were there drive-in theaters on The Old Worlds?  Again, this took a little research.
On Hades where the private ownership of vehicles wasn't as prevalent as it is on Earth, from the earliest ages mass transportation was preferred in the highly populated areas.  Only in rural areas was the private ownership of vehicles popular.  But surprisingly there were drive ins where there were enough people in the area to sustain them.  They were unknown in the major cities, but out in the country they were quite popular and very lavish!  They continued to function long after the advent of television on that world until Hades was conquered by The Havens who shut them down as an extravagance.
On Peepi before the great holocaust, there had been drive-ins in the early ages, but there were only a few left before the holocaust, and after that they disappeared.
On Haven there was virtually no ownership of private vehicles.  Ground vehicles were very rare, even in the early ages, as almost everything was moved by air so the phenomena of drive-ins just never developed there.

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