January 8, 2,002
God's Team

God always sends His Workers out in pairs, often giving each different skills to perform His Wonders.  God has sent out two Workers to do His Will,  to make peace between His children, and He has placed Them in such a position that they can command the attention of the world.  We are not those individuals.  We could be their helpers and their advisers, we could show them God's Way, but we are not the ones that are now in position to save mankind.  God's Workers, God's Servants are George and Laura Bush.  He has given George Bush the political power, the knowledge and skill to handle the political aspects of man's problems, to reach those people that God needs to do His Will, and, convince them to do it.  He has given Laura Bush His spiritual power to reach the religious aspect of man, to show them their errors and bring them back to the true way of God, which is to love one another, respect one another, and not to tolerate evil because it has become socially accepted.  He has given her the power of The Prophets and His Son to guide her and to counsel her.  He has created this wonderful team to save the world.  The only problem is they won't take the place that God has given them, they won't do what God wants them to do.  Someone in their vicinity is turning them against God, is convincing them not to follow God's Way and continue with man's efforts, which will lead to the eternal destruction of all.  They hear and feel the glory of God around them, but some dark creature is turning them away from that glory and leading them into the Darkness.
How do we awaken them?  How do we make them see the power that God has given them, make them understand what they are rejecting, help them to see what they can do if they accept what God offers and do His Will?  How horrid they will feel when they leave this world and find what they could have done had they accepted the gifts that were given them. As they watch the Earth die, shrivel up, and waste away they will weep, for they will know they could have stopped it.  How can we reach them?  How can we make them understand?  The Son Of God and His Associates try every day, but they will not hear.  How, how can we reach them?

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