April 4, 2,003
What Muhammed Offers

We end the week with another gift from Muhammed to The American Military.  He has ended all threats of an Islamic uprising to join The Iraqis, and to defend Hussein, a major victory under the circumstances.  When one gives a gift one does not expect a gift in return, but one does expect acknowledgment that that gift was received, and, an expression of gratitude for it.  Muhammed has received nothing for all that he has done.  A simple expression of gratitude for his gift, and, acknowledgment of his servants is all he asks, and he does not think that unreasonable, and The United States should give it to him.  Such assistance when you are at war with people, such kindness should be acknowledged.
We have been asked again how Muhammed and The Kingdom Of God could ask The Islamic People to give up so much.  What could he offer in return that would be worth them making so many concessions, so many sacrifices?  Well, aside from Eternal Life, and a wonderful Place in The Afterlife to dwell in, which, in Itself, is a considerable gift to give to people, Muhammed also offers The Islamic People the stars, untold worlds, thousands of new homes waiting to be had, more land than they can possibly imagine, prosperity and plenty, in exchange for the little they are sacrificing here that does not even belong to them.
Muhammed offers them a place of greatness, a place with the just and the honorable, a place among the praiseworthy, among those who glorify and keep God's Laws.  Muhammed offers The Islamic People a lot, an incredible lot!  The leaders that they are now following offer them very little, unnecessary suffering in this world, and then eternal nonexistence, the ridicule and contempt of man, rather than their praise.  I think Muhammed offers his people a considerable amount, gives them a great deal.  I cannot understand why they prefer what others offer them, why they prefer to hate rather than love, to take rather than give when the rewards for love are so much greater!  This is what Muhammed offers his people.  Which do you want, Eternal Life, your children in the stars, or, Eternal Death and your children ashes?  I don't think it's much of a choice.
As a reward to The Islamic People for obeying his wishes Muhammed had the dead zone in Mecca opened this morning long enough for those souls trapped in it to escape into The Afterlife, relieving the agony and pressure there.  As I said, the gifts to those that do what is right are tremendous.

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