April 10, 2,003
No European Justice

Got a rather stern message from Muhammed this morning.  He doesn't want the Europeans, and especially the world court getting involved and dispensing justice to Hussein and his party in Iraq.  He wants The Americans and The British to take care of it.  When I asked him why he said "The Europeans are too soft.  They are too forgiving.  They want to let the rapists, the murderers, and, the torturers walk away for the sake of harmony and peace.  They are too willing to forgive, especially those who have been their henchmen in dirty little deals under the table.
I want justice done!  I want those who have committed atrocities to be tried and executed.  I want The Iraqi People to see that justice is being done, and I want other leaders in other countries to see that they will be held accountable if they become too harsh on their people, also.
I will grant mercy under the terms that Jesus has suggested.  If any individual makes complete confession, incriminates all involved with him, he may be granted life imprisonment and his family sent into exile.  But if not, if he professes innocence or tries to justify his actions, the only penalty that should be given if he is found guilty is death, and his family should be exiled with nothing but the clothes on their backs.  They should be made to fend for themselves, wherever it is their feet come to rest.
The Iraqi People must be given justice.  Those who have kept this insanity in power so long with murder and torture must be held accountable!  They must not simply be allowed to walk away because some foreign government wants to use them for their own purposes.  Any who interfere with the dispensing of justice will be punished severely, in The Afterlife!  This is not a threat from The Prophet Of Islam, it is a promise from The Servant Of God for whom God will fulfill his desires!"

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