April 16, 2,003
Just Desserts

Everybody keeps asking for more of our short stories.  They just can't wait 'til the next magazine.  Here's one that was supposed to be in it but Jesus wanted me to release it today because he especially wants somebody to read it this morning.  This is another one that might be true, that might not be true.  It's entirely up to you!  Enjoy!

By; Speaker Gerald A. Polley

The Ancient One and his companions were busy.  Though they were in the midst of a serious endeavor he suddenly drew them off.  "Something we've got to observe," he told his associates.  They flew to an eastern city and entered one of its most prestigious towers and made their way to a lavish meeting room.
"Wow!" The Ancient One's male companion cried.  "Who keeps this nice little place?"
"A group of the elite," The Ancient One answered, "that thinks they're above everyone else, and have the solutions for all the world's problems.  Get by the wall and stay still.  They have detectors.  When we leave back up through the wall, don't cross the room."
His companions took their positions with The Ancient One.  They didn't have to wait long.  In a few moments dozens of men entered the room and began to sit down around its large, beautiful table with its gold reading lights, and silver ash trays.  A man sat at the head of the table.  When all the others were seated he took a metal rod and struck a small bell three times.
"The meeting will come to order!"  he cried.  "Several of us are busy and we must conclude this business quickly.  We have discussed the final solution of the social security problem, and implemented our recommendations.  It is now only a matter of review and final approval.  Doctor N, your report?"
One of the men opened a small case on the table and took out two vials.  "This is virus conclusion," he announced, "our solution for the social security problem.  In a couple of years when we are completely set up, our agents will start injecting the targeted elderly with it across the country.  As it incubates at different rates with different blood types, it should not be noticed that those coming down with it have had recent medical treatment.  With this we will eliminate 80 to 90% of those that will be putting an unreasonable strain on the social security system.  Those that survive will be able to maintain the system, and stable birth rates after that, will eliminate the necessity of using the virus again.  This is the only solution to this dilemma, gentlemen.  The excess burden caused by those who breed without thinking of the consequences must be eliminated.  Of course we must protect our own.  We have a vaccine. Those of the social elite, those that need to be saved, will be given the vaccine before the virus is released to the general public.  Sadly, this is the only solution to this dilemma.  As the committee has approved it it will be implemented when they see fit.  The seed virus is stored in our facility downstairs, along with the vaccine.  Our production facilities can begin producing both and have them ready for distribution when required."
"Excellent!"  the leader of the group cried.  "Are we in agreement, gentlemen, that this solution is to be used?"
Everyone at the table pressed a button and a green light appeared in front of them.  "Good!"  the leader snapped.  "Then I believe we can be about our other business, gentlemen.  We have done what is necessary for the good of the country."  He struck the bell three times.  Everybody rose, bowed to each other, and departed.  When they were all gone The Ancient One materialized.
"Come on!"  he snapped.  He quickly led his companions to the basement, to the gas main that entered the building.  "Ax!" he cried.  His male companion handed him his ax.  The Ancient One went to strike, then stopped.  "No," he muttered, "just eliminating them won't eliminate the problem.  It won't send a strong enough message."  He handed the ax back. "Come on!"  he snapped.
He entered an office, turned on a computer, and began to type quickly.  "What are you doing?"  his female companion asked.
"We have an agent in the building," The Ancient One answered, "who has put a handy little program in their security system.  When I activate it, it locks all the doors and turns off all the cameras for ten minutes.  As it only happens occasionally, they haven't bothered to try to find the glitch and remove it."  He pressed enter.  "Come on!"  he snapped.
They hurried to the building's research facility.  It didn't take The Ancient One long to find the virus and the vaccine.  He held each vial of the virus and a blue glow surrounded it, and penetrated it.
"What are you doing?" his female companion asked.
"Modifying the virus," The Ancient One answered, "so it will be virtually harmless to anyone who hasn't been vaccinated against it.  It will just give them mild cold symptoms for 24 hours."  He finished with the virus and began working with the vaccine.
"What are you doing now?" his female companion inquired.
"I'm modifying the vaccine," The Ancient One answered.  "Now when anyone injected with it contracts the virus it will mutate the virus and make it deadly.  The very thing they are giving their people to protect them will destroy them! With a little luck we'll wipe out almost all their organization before they even realize what is happening, and my little modifications will be undetectable.  I've also modified the virus so each person giving it will become a carrier and spread it far faster than our friends intend.  If they want to play with fire, I'll give them fire! It will be their loved ones that perish, and they, themselves, not those they're targeting."
"GOOD!"  The Ancient One's male companion snapped.  "Just what the animals deserve!"
"What about the children?" The Ancient One's female companion asked.
"The virus only targets the elderly," The Ancient One answered, "it has no effect on the young, whatever.  They will quickly build up natural immunity to it.  Come on, let's go!  We've got other things to do.  We've taken care of this little problem."
"And how!"  his male companion answered, "And how!"

August 13, 2,001 6:20 a.m.

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