April 28, 2,003
The Battle That Wasn't

Well, the donnybrook turned into a cake walk!  Everyone in The Afterlife is absolutely ecstatic!  It didn't look good at first Friday night because They were having trouble maintaining the portals to get everybody to London.  So things got started a little bit late.  But by 1:15 everybody was in position.  Queen Victoria came up to The Angel Of Destruction and said "You most certainly must be the expert in these things.  How do you get one of them started?"  The Angel Of Destruction laughed.  "Well," he explained, "first you give some little speech of encouragement, nothing too long, then you give the signal to attack, and run at the enemy.  It's usually appropriate to scream like anything, supposed to scare the daylights out of them.  Most of the time it works, unless they're totally stupid, and from the look of these guys they may well be!" (1)
Victoria nodded, and got out in front of everybody else. "I am proud that you are with me," she cried, "those THINGS over there want Britain.  They want to control it so they can use it to destroy Israel.  I say, they shan't have it!"  With this Victoria turned around, raised her sword, screamed "Have at them!" and charged forward, screaming like anything.  Everybody else charged after her.  The demons up the street noticed that light was filtering in from the material.  One of them screamed "They bring too much light!  There is no Darkness to conceal us!  Their power is too great!"  Another cried, "Look!  Seth is with them.  How can we fight both Heaven and Hell?  Flee!  Flee!"  And as one the demons turned and fled.
Victoria stopped and everybody else stopped.  "I am most perturbed!"  Victoria cried.  "They all ran away!  I didn't get to bash anybody!"  The Angel Of Destruction roared with laughter.  "My dear lady!" he cried, "You bashed them royally without ever putting a sword to them."
Word quickly arrived that the demons had fled in all sectors and were retreating back to their portals at Number 10.  John Lennon began to sing "God Save The Queen," and everybody quickly joined in.  Afterwards they cried "Victoria! Victoria! Victoria!" and everyone applauded.  The Queen did a cute little curtsey then said "Come on!  On to Number 10!  We must clear it and install The Lord!"
They made their way through the streets singing "Hail Brittania" and several other British songs.  They finally reached Number 10.  Victoria and the others searched it from top to bottom.  When they were sure it was clear and their people were on guard Jesus was summoned.  He appeared and all the English nobles and political leaders knelt before Him.  "Lord of Heaven!" Victoria cried, "As spokesman for The Rulers Of England I ask you to take possession of this residence, drive the evil from it, destroy the evil in it!  Show those that dwell in it no compassion, no pity, ruin them, disgrace them!  Bring them down, and make the world know it is by Your will that it is being done."  Jesus smiled.  "I will do my best," He answered.  "But what if they repent?  What if they respect God's wishes and promote His Plan For Peace?  Can I show them no mercy then?"  "Of course, Lord!"  Victoria answered.  "But only if they repent.  Jerusalem cannot be sacrificed.  The bond with God cannot be broken.  The line of power cannot be shut down.  When they understand that, surely they can be given mercy!"  "So be it!" Jesus cried.  "You have done well in the service of God.  Let us go forth, now, and continue the battle. "
Everyone but those guarding Number 10 and, Jesus, returned to The Afterlife, and the celebration is still going on!  The power of The Kingdom Of God is returning!  The creatures of Darkness can no longer stand against It.  We wish there was some way we could show what has been happening to the world!  We wish many witnesses had seen the occurrences on Whitehall.  The best we can do is the sketch that Linda has prepared.


The battle continues, the fight isn't done. Now Jesus is working to destroy Blair and The Labor Party, and save Jerusalem.  Unfortunately it's far easier to destroy than it is to create.  We'll have to watch the news and see how He is doing.  But I wouldn't want to be a member of The Labor Party,  because now there is a big target painted on every one of them, and every Angelic Messenger is just waiting for an opportunity to betray their little secrets, and, their big secrets!  Talk about standing at the cannon's muzzle!  Good luck, people!  You're gonna need it.

FOOTNOTE: A few hours before the battle began Odin appeared.  The gentleman in the sketch with the horned helmet is one of his associates that he sent to be with Victoria.  The rest of them fought with Churchill and King George.  No wonder the creatures of Darkness felt overwhelmed!

FURTHER ADDITION: Amidst the joyous celebration this weekend there was a little sadness.  Victoria came to Lord Peter and said "Lord, Our Savior is going to war against Britain.  The Forces Of Heaven are going against them, yet no hostilities have officially been declared, as was declared with The United States.  It is not fair, Lord, to make war on a people and not tell them.  I ask you to use Our Voice On Earth, and send a Declaration Of War to Britain, as you sent to The United States.  There must not be any question of our fairness!"  Peter agreed, and as The Ruler Of Heaven dictated a Declaration Of War to Great Britain, and had us transmit it.  We won't be emailing it out.  We will be putting it in the upcoming issue of our magazine that should be ready around May 1st, along with the list of email addresses we sent it to as proof it was received.  If anyone wants to read it sooner they can email us and we'll send it to them, but not otherwise.  They'll have to wait for the magazine.  It's pretty straight forward.  I don't think anyone would be able to say it's not clear enough.

(1)Apparently the forces of Darkness have been scraping the bottom of the barrel.  Most of the demons seemed to be from Germany and France.  The double-headed eagle and the fleur de leis was on their shields.  But there were also symbols from the Nazis, and the only demons still using the Nazi symbol are from South America.  There were also fascist symbols indicating that some of the demons were from Italy.  There were no colored demons, they were all white.  There were even a few from The United States, the white hood on their shields.  We all know who they are.  The dark ones could not be putting this many demons into one place unless they're bringing many of their workers out of their material forms.  This must be a horrendous power drain!  They can't possibly sustain this effort much longer.  Their system has to be crumbling soon.  They simply can't have the resources to continue much longer. Let's pray they have over extended themselves.

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