May 30, 2,003
John's Best Regards

Nothing much new going on.  The Kingdom Of God's Power is steadily growing.  Everybody's just waiting for Them to strike, and wondering where and when it will be.
Ringo Starr is going to be up here in August, at a thing called Wefest.  As always, it's inspired his old friend John Lennon to write another song.  It's called "I Knew Ringo".  It's a blockbuster in The Afterlife.  We're trying to get it through and as soon as we can we'll give everybody the lyrics.  Aside from that it's a pretty slow morning.
John did want us to send his best regards to Paul and his wife, and his sincere wishes that everything goes well with their upcoming child.
We hope everybody has a good weekend.  We'll be back Monday.

*  *  *

Weather Forecasts On The Old Worlds

Here's a question that has come to us from time to time about The Old Worlds.  How good were we at predicting the weather?  Well, to tell you the absolute truth, we weren't much better at it than the people of Earth are, even with our far more sophisticated computers!  Our hurricanes were just as unpredictable as Earth's hurricanes, and boy, did we have some hurricanes; on Haven, anyway.  All The Hashons had were dust storms.  Those were bad enough.  Of course after The Great Holocaust The Peepians didn't have much weather to predict.  It was either cold, or, colder.  The only advantage we had was that we could put everything under shields.  If a frost threatened a citrus crop (yes, we had them) shields could be put over the area where the citrus crops were, connecting it to a warmer climate, and the cold air would be allowed to pass over it until it warmed, then the shields could be shut down.  And before you ask, yes, this could really mess up a climate, cause all kinds of problems!  But we had pretty good control of the systems.  No, we couldn't predict the weather any better than anybody else, but we could control it.

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