June 12, 2,003
Is Eternal Darkness Coming?

Eerie darkness again terrifies Afterlife.  About 1:15 p.m. central standard time, yesterday, Those in The Afterlife began to notice that the sky was changing color.  By 1:30 They were in total darkness!  Energy reserves were tapped and homes and streets remained lighted until about 1:45 when The Light slowly began to return, and by 2:00 was at it's normal level.  There is little question in the minds of Those in The Afterlife that this shutting off of power to Them is caused by the so-called Mid East Peace Plan.
The greatest fear that everyone has is that some time one of these periods of darkness will start and not end, that the flow of energy from the material world to The Afterlife will cease, forever.  The reserves that everybody is holding in readiness to combat these periods of darkness are desperately needed elsewhere, but they cannot be allocated.  They must be held in readiness to protect The Afterlife when these periods of darkness occur.
Mankind is destroying everything, throwing everything away, but there is no way to make them understand what they are doing.  They simply don't care!
Heard that Michael Jackson settled his account with his financial advisors for twelve million dollars.  No wonder he's in debt!  We'd give him financial advice for free!  A millionaire I used to know taught me a valuable lesson.  He said "Put half of your wealth in insured investments.  Make sure it is enough to cover your living expenses."  And boy, he had some living expenses!  "And only take risks, play, with the rest.  You might not make quite as much in insured investments, but you can't lose it, either."  Over the years I have found anyone that follows this advice has been successful, those that don't, those that risk everything they have, end up having nothing.  Greed is peoples' worst enemy.  He also told me something else.  He said "Stay away from experts.  Every expert I've ever run into was an idiot, usually locked onto one idea with no flexibility.  And when that particular economic thing failed, they failed.  Diversity is the key to success."  As this man had seventy-six million dollars after inheriting ten million I think he can be called successful!
Somebody asked if The Kingdom Of God was responsible for Hamas destroying the peace effort, encouraging them to attack The Israelis.  Absolutely!  The Kingdom Of God will use anyone They can to destroy the current peace effort, to defeat Bush, to humiliate him and drive him from office.  They will destroy anyone who tries to dismantle Israel, who tries to give any part of Israel to The Palestinians, especially Jerusalem.  They want a separate homeland for The Palestinians outside of Israel.  The Israelis and The Palestinians simply cannot live together!  The Palestinians won't let it happen, and The Kingdom Of God will use that until It has Its way.  They will not tolerate the betrayal of Israel!  Secondly, on this subject we have been asked "If The Kingdom Of God is using Hamas and the suicide bombers, do They forgive the suicide bombers and let them into Paradise?"  The answer is no.  The Kingdom Of God may let things happen that They could stop, but They cannot condone the murder of innocents.  The suicide bombers bear the full price of their evil.
Got another question, too.  Apparently there has been a tremendous surge in Frank Sinatra's popularity lately.  People are wondering if it is helping him assist The Kingdom Of God.  It most certainly is!  He is not bringing in as much power as John Lennon, but he is bringing in power, nonetheless, and every bit of power is needed.  Heaven has Its heroes in The Afterlife, if  It only had them in the material world!
Somebody complained that John Lennon's new music isn't very good.  Well, we disagree with that!  Some people have commented that it's become somewhat childlike, but they still think it's pretty good, and so do we and, a lot of other people!  They've got to understand that John is now looking at things from a totally different point of view.  He's the same person he used to be but he's not.  And I think that reflects in his new music.  And, too, what people like in The Afterlife is quite different from what they like in the material world, and John's new music is more geared for Those in The Kingdom Of God and The Afterlife, but we think still quite appropriate for the living.  Different, yes, bad,  nah!

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 People were rather shocked in our last issue to find out the number of staff that John Lennon has, as an Apostle Designate.  Many people complained and said that this is awful that these people in The Afterlife have to work, that it isn't right.  They should be able to enjoy Paradise.  Well, the truth of the matter is, everybody that works for The Kingdom Of God is a volunteer.  They give freely of Their time to serve the living, and They love it!  It's Their purpose, what They exist for.  No one is required to do anything in The Afterlife.  For 17 years Our Dear John stayed in his apartment and had only a handful of visitors, did nothing, but nobody complained at all!  But when he wanted to do something and decided to give his all to bring Jesus back to His Throne and save mankind, there were plenty willing to work for him.  His staff  has plenty of free time.  They only work eight hours a day, and many have trouble filling the remaining hours.  What They do, to Them, is absolute joy, serving Jesus' Apostle.  To Them it's joy!

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