June 17, 2,003
Not Forming A Cult

Nothing much new except everyone in The Kingdom Of God is just laughing Their heads off how desperate The Democrats are to find something to attack Bush and The Republicans with. The nonsense over the intelligence before the war just has everyone There in stitches!  It's the best comedy act They've seen in years!  The Democrats ought to put it on Saturday Night Live, that's where their hearings belong.  The Kingdom Of God almost wants to reveal where the weapons of mass destruction are, just to shut The Democrats up, but They want to irritate Bush and The Republicans so They'll keep them from finding them for a while.
Got a comment from a friend that we're trying to form a cult.  No, we're trying to restore two religious Teachings.  Actually we're trying to restore a cult...Christianity, which is a cult of Judaism.  Spiritism is the foundation of most human religions so I don't know how you'd call that a cult.  Everything else is a cult of it!  So, I can't really say we're trying to form a cult, we're trying to find people that truly believe and get rid of all the false teachings that have been put into their faith by those who will say and do anything for power, like those in Islam that taught to kill anyone who would not accept Islam which is completely reverse of Islam's true teaching of respecting all other faiths and teaching The Way Of Allah to win converts.  Muhammed is very much against people forbidding other teachings in his lands.  He says "Is your faith so weak you are afraid to hear what other people have to say for fear that you will be converted?  If this is so you have no faith, you are not a believer, you only profess to be.  True believers have no fear of hearing what others have to say, for their faith is so strong that no one could change it.  Only those that seek to rule by material power fear what others have to say."
It's things like that we want to correct and make right.  If people want to say we're trying to form a cult to do it, well, that doesn't really bother us.  You can call us whatever you want to call us, as long as you listen to what The Founders of these faiths really have to say!

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