June 20, 2,003
A Friend Of Old

An old friend has returned that I have not seen for some time.  I remember the first time we met ages ago.  He was called Ittatu The Keeper and I was called Shylark The Watcher.  He was the spiritual leader of the people, and I was the warrior king, and together we fought the shedders of blood from the east who wanted our people not as friends and neighbors, but as sacrifices for their bloody rites.  He knew that I was not of this world, that I was from far away, and I knew he was of this world and not as old as myself, but yet as wise as any of my kind.  We knew that in time our people would be driven from the forests, that the numbers of the invaders were too many, but we swore then, to keep the wisdom of old alive, and that it would never pass away.  Many a night we laid by the fire watching the stars with a maiden at our side, making the young men jealous because they came to us, and not to them.  They were indeed splendid times!
I knew him again when we fought King John for Magna Charta to begin to establish the rights of men.  He was called The Little then, but there was nothing little about him in stature, in honor, or, in courage!  His skill at organizing was beyond that of other men and I never needed to fear, that whenever I went into battle all that I needed would be there.  He often said that he was not of noble birth, but no nobler man have I ever known!
Again he was with me when we stood with Martin Luther and fought the corruption of the priesthood, and on the moonlight night practiced our true faith in the forests right under the priests' noses, laughing at their ignorance as we kept the truth alive.
Yes, I have had many adventures with my old friend!  I remember much. I wonder how much he remembers? Will we have adventures in this lifetime?  Will we together frustrate those who do evil?  Or, will we simply say "Nice to see you again!" and go our separate ways?  Only time will tell.  Only the future knows. But the memories are pleasant, and the good times will never be gone, for they are part of the peoples' History and will be told for ages yet unknown!

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