June 25, 2,003
An Encounter With Liberace

Got something wild for you this morning!  Yesterday Beatles & Friends were doing a concert in The Spiritist Republic.  The crowd was going crazy over "Canada The Shame," and had them sing it twice.  They were just finishing the second time when Liberace suddenly appeared on the stage and walked up to John Lennon. "Well, hello!"  John remarked.
"Leave my people in the material world alone!"  Liberace cried.  "Let their love be sanctified.  Let their unions be blessed.  Leave them alone.  You used to understand, you used to accept.  Leave them alone!"  "I'm sorry," John answered, "I follow Jesus now.  I now understand that that is wrong.  The Lord has said we cannot support it."  Liberace suddenly began to beat on John furiously, and scream "To hell with Jesus!  F*** Christ!  Who in the hell is He to tell us how to live?  Who in the hell is He to call our love evil?  To hell with Him! To hell with Him!  To hell with Him!"
Security rushed forward, seized Liberace, and dragged him away.  "Put him out!" the crowd screamed "Put him out!  Put him out of The Republic!"  "No!" John cried.  "Take him to where he is being cared for and have them watch over him more closely, that he doesn't wander off again.  We must understand his pain.  He wants something that cannot be.  Many of us used to think it was acceptable.  It is hard for some to let go.  Leave him be!  Just take him home."  The crowd was still not happy, but John insisted that it be allowed to pass.  Not everybody in The Afterlife agrees with Jesus, that's for sure!  But it is very rare that we encounter outbursts like this.
Couldn't work on "Here's Jesus!" this morning.  Jesus came through and was checking my email hoping to find a response from someone that He was trying to get to come and work with us, be one of the twelve disciples that Jesus wants me to appoint for Him.  Instead the very first email read "Are you interested in K to 7?"  In curiosity Jesus opened it.  It was a web site advertising the sale of dvds of men having sex with little girls five to seven years old!  The site was bragging that everything they had was perfectly legal and protected by their right of freedom of speech.
 Jesus became absolutely enraged, I cannot describe to you His anger!  There is nothing that you have ever experienced in your worst time, no person that you have ever seen enraged, to compare with it!  Jesus was screaming "This is what they do with my little ones?  This is how they use God's precious gifts?  Crush them, Demetrius!  Crush them under your foot.  Show them no compassion, show them no pity!  Destroy them!  Destroy them utterly and completely!  Let us be done with them!  Finish it! Finish it forever!  They have no right to exist!  They will not come to us, they will not hear us, but they allow THIS?  They say we should be silenced, we should be stopped, but they allow this, they allow my treasures to be used like this?  God be done with them!  What is the sense in us trying?  Just destroy them and be done with it, and let us find refuge elsewhere.  I can stomach them no more!  I may be back later, I may not.  But God damn them!  God damn them all!"
Of course in time, Jesus' anger will pass and He'll come back and we'll start working again because He loves mankind so much.  But sometimes they hurt Him, sometimes they hurt Him beyond understanding, beyond belief.  He calls and calls, He reaches person after person.  They say they will do anything for Him, but then when they learn we are real and that they should come to us, they say no, what they say proves false.  Sometimes they hurt Him beyond understanding.

FOOTNOTE:  The gay community in The Afterlife sent a committee to John Lennon apologizing for the incident with Liberace.  "We know," their leader said, "Jesus cannot accept our way, that we cannot dwell in His Kingdom, but we are cared for and decently treated other places.  This incident was uncalled for and we wish you to understand that the majority of us hold no ill will against you because you must speak what you believe, and defend The Son Of God."  John thanked them and they departed with good wishes towards one another, but many in The Afterlife are still upset.  Yesterday was not a good day!

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