June 27, 2,003
Jesus Feels Forsaken

Yesterday's Supreme Court decision has struck a severe blow to Jesus.  He had hoped with the reasonable decision they had made on affirmative action they would show reason on homosexuality, but the evil within them was too great, their logic too twisted.  Jesus says "It is not a matter of privacy, it is a matter of evil, it is a matter of sin.  Evil done in privacy is still evil, murder done in privacy is still murder, rape done in privacy is still rape.  The idea that privacy makes it acceptable is unacceptable."  This twisted logic is simply beyond His understanding.
As soon as He heard of the decision He went to Lord Peter, and said "As I have banished any in Canada that support homosexuality, I now banish any in The United States who support homosexuality from The Kingdom Of God.  Their names are to be struck from The Book Of Life, and even if they repent this evil at Heaven's Gate, they shall not be admitted entry.  Their evil can no longer be tolerated.  Though it will probably mean the end of my Kingdom, the death of all, the finish of everything, I cannot have such evil with me!  These names first, are to be struck from The Book Of Life;

Justice Anthony M. Kennedy, Justice John Paul Stevens, Justice David Souter, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Justice Stephen Breyer, Justice Sandra Day O'Conner.

Like those before them, that voted that slavery was legal and that only the white race was human, these souls who have sold the children of America into sodomy, into sin, for popularity, must, too, be sentenced to eternal death, cast out of my Kingdom, for they are an abomination to all the world, the foulest of all things that live!  God forsakes them, for they know not God.
We shall struggle, we shall continue to fight, We will give Our all, but We are abandoned, we are forsaken.  The hour will come when the energy stops and my Kingdom will collapse.  Man has chosen sin, man has chosen sodomy.  To let a man lie with a man is more important to them than Us, than me.  They will not come, they will not follow, they will no longer fight for us.  They prefer the perverts, they prefer the evil, they prefer sin.  They have forgotten God, and they have forgotten me.  We will struggle, we will try, but the end is certain."

FOOTNOTE:  Couple of new things this morning. Firstly,  John Lennon has announced that he has given up work on his rock opera in The Afterlife, completely.  He will be devoting his full efforts to somehow turning mankind and saving The Afterlife, and, the living.  John says someone in the material world can pick up this idea if they like and take the new music he's done and make it into an opera, but he simply doesn't have the time.  He feels he has betrayed Jesus, failed Him.  Everyone is frustrated in The Afterlife that we can destroy very effectively, we can make endless trouble, we can terrorize, but we can't build!  Mankind just doesn't care, and we simply don't know how to reach them any more.
Secondly, an unthinkable occurrence occurred in The Spiritist Republic!  Mobs of people gathered around the hospital where Liberace was residing, screaming "Put him out!  Put him out!  Throw him into the Darkness!  Put him out!  He's destroying us!  He's destroying us all!  He's controlling the living.  Put them all out!  Put all of his kind out!  They're destroying our children, they're destroying us all!  Put them out!"  They tried to storm the hospital but the local Guardian (Police) drove them back and kept them out of the hospitals, themselves.  But everyone in the hospitals were terrified.  Order has returned.  The people have been dispersed and gone home, but these outbursts in The Afterlife are unheard of, unthinkable and show how desperate the situation is, how horrible is the frustration of Those that dwell Beyond.

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Got some interesting comments from the former Presidents about all this hoopla concerning the small mistake Bush made in his State Of The Union speech, about The Iraqis trying to get uranium from Africa.  Everyone from George Washington to Lyndon Johnson is laughing their heads off over this thing!  They just can't believe the ignorance!  Every one of Them says "If I had been criticized for the wrong information I gave in some of my speeches, I would have had nothing but criticism!  This is a simple mistake, a tiny error that is simply being blown out of all proportion.  The Democrats are so desperate to attack The Republicans that they are questioning the righteousness of the war with Iraq when all the evidence of Saddam Hussein's atrocities is becoming apparent.  The only injustice was that The United States, and, the world, took so long to act and allowed this evil for so long."  Every President's comments are almost exactly the same!  They simply don't get it!

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