July 9, 2,003
Jesus Still Looking

Well, nothing new today.  Everything's quiet on the western front.
We didn't get a Jesus Is Looking in yesterday, either, and boy, is He looking!  Right now He's seeking a German doctor, who's about my age, maybe a little less, but over 50 anyway.  He's about 5' 8", stocky, but not fat.  He wears simple gold rimmed glasses.  He has a slight speech impediment.  He speaks English, but with a very heavy accent that sometimes makes him hard to understand.  He used to belong to a racist organization, but has left that movement and is seeking something else because he has come to realize that Germany lost World War II because of the hatred it was practicing, that if its leaders had been even a little bit rational they would have probably won the war!  He has come to understand that the racial purity idea is a farce.  He has a very vexuous daughter, blonde, blue eyed,  6 ft. tall, only in her early twenties, but she is already a well known doctor, also.  She has followed her father out of the hate organizations, and she, too, is looking for something better.  She speaks English, also, but so well that when she is in The United States many do not realize she is a foreigner.  Jesus calls these two people to us, says to them we have their answers, all they have to do is come and ask, and we will lead them into The Light.  Our community could use a couple of good doctors!  We could use a couple of good doctors!  If you know these people let them know that Jesus is looking for them, and He has what they're looking for.
One of our friends in Canada pointed out to us that we made a little mistake in the other day's email.  There is no such place as Sault, Ontario, it's Sault Sainte Marie!
A piece of history is gone!  The original web site we put up for John Lennon, Songs From Beyond, at


which was featured in Playboy Magazine, has just disappeared off the internet.  The free web site provider, Justfree,


seems to have vanished, also.  We're not sure what's going on, but it appears Songs From Beyond is gone forever.  We have been unable to edit that page for over a year, anyway.  But it is just sad to see it go.  This also means the number of audio samples of John's new songs is now cut down to only three. We will still keep Songs From Beyond 2 up and running as long as possible.  Check it out at

(The same thing happened with the site below! Songs From Beyond Will Return Soon At A New Permanent Location!)

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