July 11, 2,003
An Apostle For Canada

Well, Jesus continues to pour His power into Canada, but even with His great ability He cannot defeat this evil alone.  He needs earthly followers.  He has instructed me to appoint Premier Ralph Klein of Alberta as the leader of His effort to stop homosexual marriage on Earth. He offers the Premier spiritual leadership over Canada.  He authorizes me to make him Canada's recognized Apostle representing Jesus Christ.  He has authorized me, and, me alone, to make him spiritual leader of Canada.  In order for the Premier to receive this authority, this power, to have God bestow on him the great gifts that He will if he will unquestioningly accept His Son's leadership the Premier must print out this contract, below, sign it, and send it to me.  When he does so he becomes God's unquestioned champion in Canada.  How would you react if Jesus made such an offer to you?  Would you be willing to sign this contract and take the power that He is offering?  We will have to see what the Premier does. If he does there will be other positions Jesus needs to fill.  Maybe you will want one of these!


I, Premier Ralph Klein, do hereby confirm that I

1.  Believe that Jesus Of Nazareth, Called The Christ, is the undisputed and unquestioned Ruler Of The Kingdom Of God in The Hereafter, or, The Afterlife, whatever one chooses to call It, and that He is the absolute and unquestioned Leader of all who follow Him in The Material Realm,  (on Earth) and that all should obey His Decrees in all matters.

2.  I believe that said Jesus Of Nazareth, Called The Christ, has declared, without question, without any doubt without any argument, that sexual relations between persons of the same sex is an abomination, is sodomy, is a sin and should not be permitted, should not be lawful in any place where people say they worship God.  This is an unarguable truth, unquestioned.  I also believe that The Lord Of Heaven has clearly, and without question, stated that joining two men or two women in holy matrimony is a blasphemy, an abomination against God and totally unacceptable.  That it should not be allowed by any who claim to worship God and accept the Rule of His Divine Son.

I hereby pledge my life, my fortune, and, my Immortal Soul to opposing any who try to make this abomination the legal law in the land where I dwell.  I will give everything I possess to support the holiness of my nation, and, to forbid this abomination that the ungodly are trying to force on The True Believers.

3.  I understand that Our Lord In Heaven, Jesus Of Nazareth, Called The Christ, has asked The Canadian People to, on September 1, 2,003, rise up against those who are trying to sodomize their children, trying to lead them into sin and eternal death.  That He asks the people of Canada to go on strike, to leave their work, to shut the nation down, bring it to a halt and refuse to go back to work until those who have passed this law of abomination meet, reverse their decision, vote out this law, and resign.  That a new government is to take their place and pass law forbidding the acceptance of homosexuality in Canada forever, and, to make it a crime punishable by imprisonment to wed two persons of the same sex.

I hereby state, without question, that I put my full support behind this strike and ask every Believer In Christ that dwells in Canada to join me, to rise up on September 1st and say "We will not have this in Canada!  We will not let you destroy our children!  We believe in God, we believe in His Son, and They have said this is an abomination."

4.  I do understand that if I sign this petition and accept what Jesus wants He has said that He will make me God's Spokesman in Canada, God's Power in that part of the world.  That if I will follow Him, and do His Will in this crisis, and lead His people against the creatures of Darkness He will make me one of His Apostles on Earth, and give me holy dominion over those people I lead, and fill me with His power and glory while I carry on His Divine Work.

I do hereby state so that all may know, that I accept that power and will do God's Will in this matter, following His Son who has dominion over me, accepting the power that He gives me.  May all men know I do this of my own free will, without hesitation, and, without doubt, because I do believe that Jesus, called The Christ is My Lord And Savior who shed His blood for me, that I might be right with God.  And I will therefor be right with God, and accept what God, through His Glorious Son, has offered me.

So must it be, now and forever!

Signature Of Signer__________________________________________________

Mail To;
Speaker Gerald A. Polley
Embassy Of The Kingdom Of God & The Grand Alliance
24 East Lynmar
Fargo, ND 58102

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