July 16, 2,003
A Reply To Error

Linda mailed to all the newspapers we have in our email box yesterday.  Took her all day!  Few radio stations in there too.  This is the type of response we got.  Jesus decided to answer this one personally, though this individual isn't going to pay attention.

----- Original Message ----- From: Millbrook Round Table <mailto:roundtable@midhudsoncentral.com> To: Gerald Polley <mailto:spirits9@msn.com> Sent: Tuesday, July 15, 2003 3:18 PM Subject: Re: A New Hell

Just a note-

Jesus never hated anyone that I can remember, except perhaps the Pharisees and the money lenders in the temple. He tried to love everyone, homosexuals and prostitutes included. He even loved the man who betrayed him-Judas. Why does it bother you so much that some gays fight for their rights? Don't you have better things to do than attack people you don't like. Do what Jesus did- try and understand them and love them instead-you'll be a nicer, happier person, believe me.

Greetings Millbrook Round Table!

Absolutely right! I do not hate anyone, I do nothing in hate. I do everything because it is the will of The Father and has to be done to protect His children. I do not hate the individual, I hate the evil, and homosexuality is evil because it destroys souls, leads people to the second death. 35% of all homosexuals do not survive in The Afterlife, and that 35% is enough to damn anyone who encourages this sickness. When a homosexual or a prostitute gave up their sickness and returned to the way of God, I forgave them. I never forgave them while they were sinners, and I would not. When one stops doing evil God can then again associate with them. But as long as they do evil, He cannot. Homosexuality is sodomy, is evil. All that teach that it is not are not of God. Neither The Father, nor, I, will accept it. You should read The Bible more carefully and understand me better before you make comments about me, and what I would and wouldn't do. Remember, that the key to everything is repentance. When a person repents, stops the evil, then they can be saved. But as long as they continue to sin they cannot. Know the teachings of God before you criticize those who bear His messages!

Yours In The Service Of
Our Father In Heaven,
Now And Forever,
Jesus Of Nazareth, Called The Christ

We wish so much Bush would make peace with The Kingdom Of God!  No matter what we do, we have to help him, anyway.  Look at The Democrats jumping on the gay marriage bandwagon, all the juicy little tidbits The Angelic Messengers will be draining to feed God's Warriors.  We would like to be throwing everything we have at this trash, but as long as Bush supports the Israeli land for peace deal we can't put our full efforts against The Democrats, but what Jesus is starting is definitely going to hurt Bush's enemies, but we'd like to hurt them more.
Somebody definitely doesn't like what Jesus is doing.  For the last two days I have been under psychic attack.  For the first day they tried to get through my defenses two or three times.  Yesterday they tried seven or eight times.  They are persistent!  The only thing we can tell is that the energy is coming from the east and whoever is sending it is one of the most loathsome and defiled creatures we have ever felt, and its desire to attack is slowly ebbing away its caution.  It doesn't want to lose its physical form, but if it launches a full scale attack, it will.
Got an email from one obnoxious person who wishes to remain anonymous that said "Bet no members of your family are being attacked if they support homosexuality."  To the contrary!  When Jesus gave this order I went to The Forces carrying out the  mission and made positively sure that any members of my own family that support homosexuality will be drained just like anybody else.  They will be shown no special favor, whatsoever.  I would not permit any of mine to be excluded from any of The Nazarene's decrees.  They are as responsible for their own actions as anybody else.  Relative, friend, or enemy, if they are destroying children, if they are perverting the innocent, they will be attacked by The Forces Of Heaven.
Jesus is looking for Joy, short for Joanne.  Joanne is African American, but you'd never know it.  She's not quite blonde, but very light haired, and has sparkling blue eyes.  She's an accountant, and a very good one!  She's working for a company that's treating her quite well.  She longs to be independent.  But Joanne keeps her heritage a secret because many that work with her look down on people who were brought here in chains to serve the white masters.  They think they're getting out of control and taking too many of their jobs.  Joanne is terrified all the time that someone's going to find out how dark her parents are and how even darker her grandparents are.  Joanne's fear is consuming her, making her miserable all the time, and she doesn't know what to do.  Jesus does!  He says "Get out of there, Joanne!  Move to North Dakota.  Set up a private business. You'll do very well here.  In your free time help Demetrius and Alura keep track of their finances, help them do their taxes.  They won't worry about your heritage, they'll praise it, they'll honor it.  They'll even invite your parents to join them. They love ethnic diversity!  These are the kind of people you want to be with, Joanne, not those you're working with."  If you come across Joanne tell her Jesus is looking for her and He has just the place for her!
Cannot believe old Pat Robertson is an ally against The Supreme Court!  He's organizing a prayer vigil, trying to get those that voted for homosexuality to resign.  Is he actually listening to Jesus? Wow!  Go for it, Pat!  Maybe there's hope yet.

FOOTNOTE: The dead  zones in Europe are really cookin', especially in Italy.  Worst drought in a thousand years and their government going totally insane!  Just coincidence?  You tell me.  We were hoping the hurricane hitting Texas would make the spiritual dead zones there visible on radar, that weather forecasters throughout the region would be saying "What in the hell are these things?  What's causing this?"  Apparently the storm wasn't quite strong enough.  We'll try to send in another this year more powerful.  Maybe that will show.

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