July 22, 2,003
Jesus' Prayer For Calgary

Jesus has prepared a special prayer that He wants all the ministers in Calgary to read on the sabbath Friday, July 25,  8 p.m. (DST Calgary).

Our Father, who art in Heaven,  holy be thy name.  Thy wisdom come, Thy glory done on Earth as it is in Heaven.  Oh, Blessed Father, we ask you this day, oh Lord, to open our hearts and our souls, and to let that power that Your Blessed Son, and Our Savior, is sending to us flow into us, strengthen us, and fortify us so we may use it to do His holy will, use it to fight those who are trying to sodomize our children, to bring a stop to homosexual marriage and, to public homosexuality, to make it the law in our nation, that homosexuality is a sickness and cannot be openly practiced, cannot be acceptable.  That it is against all principles of decency because You, in Your divine wisdom, have taught that it is evil and destroys souls.
 But as we carry on this struggle, oh Lord, as we oppose this evil, help us to do so not in hate, not in anger, but in love because You love all Your children, even those who have gone astray, and you desire that they return to Your love, repent their sin, and have Eternal Life.  You only act against those who practice homosexuality because they are destroying your children, leading them into the circumstances that will destroy many of their souls forever. Therefore, You cannot tolerate this abomination and all who love You must stand up against it and say "No!  We won't have it!"
But you want your children to understand that they are only to defend themselves when attacked, they are not to attack others. This is not the way of God.  As long as the people of God are left in peace they bother no one, only when people threaten the existence of God's children does God ask His people to rise up against them as He does in this situation.  This evil must be stopped, but God's people must not become evil in stopping it.  They must speak God's will and do God's will, but they must not shame God by becoming as evil as those they oppose.  Fill us, Our Blessed Father, with that power Your Beloved Son brings to us, and have us rise up in Your justifiable resistance.  But let us give You honor in doing so.  Amen.

We have received a complaint already, saying that we're not correct.  Friday,  8 p.m., Calgary wouldn't be the sabbath, because the sabbath starts at sunset.  Well, technically this person is right. In Calgary, but it is already the sabbath in Jerusalem where Jesus' power flows from.  And at this time Jesus is at the peak of His power.  That's why He chose 8 p.m.  He wants to give Calgary the very best shot He can.  He considers that 8 p.m. is close enough, and this is not actually a worship session, it is a special circumstance..a prayer vigil, so to speak.  He considers it well within the rules of The Kingdom Of God.
On another matter, we've been asked if Jesus had anything to do with the suicide of  the scientist who was working for Blair, and gave information to the BBC.  Only to the extent that Jesus ordered his Protecting Angels, his Spirit Guides, to leave him, and give him no counsel, not to in any way, comfort him.  Of course that's all it took!  Without his Spirit Protectors telling him not to take his own life, he took it, guided by other more sinister voices.  This was the only action that Jesus undertook in this matter.  But you can see how effective His campaign against Blair has been.  Thank goodness He's not taking such direct action against Bush!
But Jesus is contemplating such action against Bush heavily, because He is extremely angry that Bush will not follow Muhammed's counsel and is going to the UN for help in Iraq.  The only way Jesus wants Bush to get help in Iraq is to go to the Europeans and say "Look, I want 5,000 troops from your country that speak English on planes and in Iraq to help us tomorrow!  And if I don't get them, the day after I will forbid the sale of all of your imports in The United States.  If you want to trade with The United States, if you want us to keep your economies going, you shut up and you help us!  Or, you won't get a penny out of The United States!"  That simple!  You don't need all this political gamesmanship.  The Europeans cannot survive without trade with The U.S..  If they won't cooperate, don't trade with them!  And Jesus says "Get troops on planes, get them into Liberia, and stop the carnage!   Arrest the dictator, turn him over to those that want to try him, and tell them 'Hang him!'"  The danger of the destabilization there is even greater than it was in Iraq!  If The United States does not act, that whole part of the world could rise against it, so act!  What's the matter?  Is your prejudice against colored people showing again, Mr. Bush, that you try to hide so much?  Follow the instructions that you have been given, and you will accomplish your goals.  The only reason Jesus doesn't go after Bush full force, is it would put the Democrats in power, and that would most probably destroy the world.  Bush is one lucky man that he is the lesser of two evils.

And Those Who Work For You!

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