July 24, 2,003
Sorry, New York!

Well, Jesus has ordered the extra energy going into New York City shut down, and distributed throughout Canada to help with the anti homosexual campaign.  And I'm afraid it was my fault!  Got this email about some psycho putting kittens in bottles and selling them as pets. We've been told it's very popular in New York.   Jesus checked into it and became totally enraged!  I was surprised to check the news today and not find that some tragedy had befallen New York.  But this is absolutely disgusting!  Jesus says the people that allow this don't even have the right to call themselves human beings.  This person should be locked away forever, this sickness should not be allowed!  This is unbelievable cruelty!  He cannot protect people that allow things like this to go on in the name of free expression, or whatever.  It's simply too much!  Sorry about that, New York!


If anybody supports this sickness, kindly do not contact us.  We want to have nothing to do with you!  We don't want to hear anything you have to say!
We had barely finished typing this message from Jesus, and gone online, to find  the story of the shooting at New York City Hall!  I guess when Jesus shuts off the power it doesn't take long.  It only takes hours.
Something phenomenal has happened!  We don't know what it is yet, we don't know where it is yet, but it has happened.  About 8 o'clock last night we began to receive the most phenomenal vibrations, the kind of thing that we used to get before Jesus' betrayal, before He was sold out for Clinton.  It was pure, beautiful energy, like we have not felt for many years.  I've had the best night's sleep since this horror began, and this morning I actually feel refreshed, and, revitalized!  We do not know what has happened, but it is something good, something VERY good, and we hope it manifests itself soon so we can share it with everyone.
Jesus is looking for Sam, short for Samuel.  Sam is a Texan, and like everything in Texas he's a big man.  Sam is very rich, he can buy just about anything.  But right now he's very unhappy.  His wife has left him.  He truly loves her, he wants her back very much, but he simply doesn't know how to reach her, to become what she wants him to be.  You see, both him and his wife used to have a color problem, but his wife came to realize that she needed to become color blind, not to look at people as they are outside, but to look at them as they are inside.  She's changed, but Sam hasn't been able to change.  He still has problems with difference.  Jesus says "Sam, come to Demetrius and Alura!  He can help you become what your wife wants you to be.  He can get you back together and make things better for you and your children.  It'll be hard, sometimes you're not gonna want to hear what he has to say, and you're not gonna want to do what he wants you to do.  But if you do, you'll grow and become what your wife wants you to be.  Oh, don't take Greg and John with you when you go to Demetrius.  Their life expectancy around him would be dangerously shortened!  He simply would not tolerate their attitudes.  He lives to hunt and destroy evil, so evil should keep a discreet distance from him."
The preparations for Jesus' visit to Calgary continues.  Hopefully this sudden increase in positive energy is a good sign.  He still offers Premier Ralph Klein the Apostleship of Canada, but there are twelve discipleships open, one for each Canadian province.  If you know somebody in these provinces that is a good Christian and is speaking out against homosexuality, not in hate, but in the love of God, let them know Jesus is looking for people to bestow His power on, to give His immortal strength to in this great cause.  Twelve individuals in Canada will be extremely blessed!  Do you want to be one of them?

*  *  *

We Are Not Alone In The Afterlife

 Got a rather irritated comment a while back we haven't been able to answer.  It went something like "Read your report that a dog has attached itself to George Harrison in The Afterlife and goes with him everywhere.  I have never heard such absolute nonsense!  Only human Souls go to The Afterlife.  Animals do not have Souls, God made Paradise only for people.  What you people teach is absurd!  It degrades God's Glory!"  Sometimes when you read these things you wonder where people get such ignorance from!  Animal life generates the greater majority of psychokinetic energy that sustains The Afterlife.  It is the higher Souls that purify and control it. But without animal Souls in The Afterlife to bridge the gap between the living and the dead we would never be able to sustain The Afterlife.  And can you imagine how boring and empty Heaven would be without our animal companions?  Creatures of all types seek the company of Those that reside in The Afterlife.  They seek the stability and calmness that makes Them at ease and unafraid until They are ready to journey again.  People in Heaven love the companionship of every creature that comes There to dwell with Them.  The ridiculous idea that only humans dwell in The Afterlife, and that animals have no Souls is so preposterous that it makes us wonder at the sanity of people that come up with such ideas.  The Afterlife is full and beautiful, and it is shared by all that lived!

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