July 28, 2,003
Power Received

Jesus overjoyed with results in Calgary!  Though we, as of yet, have no material contacts in the area, for the first time since this crisis began Jesus' power was not rejected when He tried to send it to people.  Calgary sucked up all the energy it was offered!  Everything that was put into it was accepted.  Not one person Jesus touched refused what He offered!  They took His power and accepted His cause.  You cannot imagine His delight! If we could only now get them to publicly speak out and acknowledge that they have received Christ's power and are fighting for Him.  But just to have the power accepted, not to have it refused, is a horrendous joy for everyone. Hopefully it  is a sign that the living will soon accept Jesus' call, publicly rise up in His support.
Got one of those questions that sounds kind of silly at first, but then when you think about it you realize that if somebody doesn't understand these things they'd have to ask something like this.  The question was "Will what Jesus is allowing to be done to those that support homosexuality kill?"
Well, reason it out, people.  Use a little common sense!  If somebody's very life energy is being drawn out of them, the very source of their life is being taken away, what do you think it's going to do, make them run down the street and do cartwheels?  No.  It's going to make them weaker and weaker, more depressed and more depressed, it's going to bring out the worst aspects of their character, and then they're going to die.  For some it will take a very short time, for others it will take a longer time.  But certainly the death rate among those who support homosexuality will begin to climb.  Diseases they thought were gone, that were cured, will suddenly reappear.  Family problems they thought were settled will suddenly roll back like a firestorm.  They will find themselves making terrible economic decisions that will ruin their family's prosperity.
The Kingdom Of God isn't fooling around any more, It isn't being passive, it isn't being nice.  It's going after those that are determined to destroy Its children and It is trying with all Its power, to destroy them, and nothing can protect them!  They can have bodyguards that look like pro wrestlers, they can have alarm systems, they can have the finest doctors, the finest medical care, but they can't stop The Angelic Messengers!  No force on Earth or, in Hell can stop Them!  This is a fight to the death, and no one is safe, no matter how powerfully they are politically or, how rich, if you oppose The Kingdom Of God The Angelic Messengers will get you!  I hope I have answered this question.
This wonderful energy that is coming to us continues to flow every night.  It is helping tremendously to repair the damage we have done to this area by over using it.  We would love to know where it is coming from!  Somebody is acting as a focal point for a group of believers, gathering their power, and sending it to us on a regular basis.  Only those who firmly believe in Jesus' cause could generate such power!  It is marvelous!  We bless whoever is sending it, and hope, eventually, that they are here, working with us.  Jesus praises them and sends His Glory to them.  What they are giving is sorely needed.
We've been asked if The Kingdom Of God had anything to do with the suicide of President Bush's friend, Colin McMillan.  We can't give a definite answer.  Of course The Kingdom Of God is doing everything It can to make everyone associated with Bush miserable.  After all, They are at war with The United States.  But if the negativity being sent to Mr. McMillan resulted in his suicide, we can't say.  It undoubtedly was a contributing factor.  Those who choose to oppose The Kingdom Of God bring down on themselves terrible power.
Apparently the energy drain on homosexual supporters really got to this guy in New York City Hall, Othniel Boaz Askew,  in a hurry!  You wonder how these people get in power!  This is the very thing you can expect a lot more off as the drain of their life energy continues.

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Questions From Children

Have several young friends that have been giving us a lot of good questions for "Here's Jesus!" but some of them are really simple, and we didn't have time to answer.  One child asked "Were the skies on all the worlds where you used to live blue? Or were there some other colors?"  Well, I guess if you breathe oxygen the world where you come from has a blue sky, because all The Old Worlds did.  Even the dead worlds that we revitalized when the atmospheres were restored were blue.  So I guess if you live in these atmospheric conditions you're always going to have a blue sky.  Another young friend asked "Did your worlds have rainbows?"  We most certainly did on Haven, the most spectacular rainbows you ever saw.  I think The Hashons had them too, and The Peepians before the holocaust.  Another child asked "Did you have dolphins and whales?"  There, sadly, the answer is no.  Neither The Havens nor The Hashons nor even The Peepians had ocean living mammals.  Rather odd, because they're prevalent on many other worlds.  We had sharks....BIG sharks, hungry sharks, but no whales or dolphins.  It's funny how things will evolve on one world, and not another.  Another child asked "Do you find humans ugly? You look so different from us!"  Not at all.  Actually there were mixed bloods among us, combinations of all three races, that looked very human!  So we were used to human like creatures, and found them quite pleasant.  Of course The Goddens thought everybody was ugly except them!

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