August 22, 2003
Jesus Endorses Arnold

Well, Jesus has recorded His recorded His endorsement of Arnold for governor!  It was a real struggle because of my dyslepsia.  I have a very hard time saying Arnold's last name.  It usually comes out something like Slushinhammer.  Jesus can say his name but has a hard time fighting through my dyslepsia.  But I think He did a pretty good job and expressed why He feels it necessary to support Arnold.

(This audio file is no longer available.)

If you have trouble downloading the endorsement email us to let us know and Linda can email it to you.
This new campaign is not going to stop the one in Canada.  Jesus again plans to transmit power to Calgary at 8 o'clock tonight, their time.  As long as the people of Canada continue to receive the power, continue to accept it, He will continue to give it.  He still believes that He can rise the people of Canada and stop the homosexual movement there, make Canada the turning point in that terrible struggle to drive this abomination back into the Darkness.   Actually the effort in California is part of the same campaign.
Have lost two more churches in Canada.  One of them wrote and said they do not accept my credentials, I am not of God.  The Angelic Messengers and Jesus' testimony doesn't seem to be enough for them.  They will stand at The Gates Of Heaven and say "But Lord, how could I have believed?  It was against everything I was ever taught!"  And Jesus will answer "Because I told you it was so.  Begone!  You have rejected me!  You did not know me.  You closed your hearts to me.  My servant spoke to you and you said 'I will not hear, I will have my own way!'  Now you have your own way. Begone!"  How great will be their wailing, how great will be the gritting of their teeth!  What fools these mortals be!

Solid Rock Free Lutheran Church, 5003-9 Street, Camrose, AB, Canada T4V1N5, and Christ The King Community Church, 913 A Gibsons Way, Gibsons, BC V0N 1V8

FOOTNOTE: The Kingdom Of God is very angry that President Bush is trying to get the UN to take over in Iraq.  The Kingdom Of God has instructed President Bush on how to raise the forces, and how to deal with the problems in Iraq.  The United Nations failed The Kingdom Of God, stood against It, still stands against It.  The Kingdom Of God wants The United States to have nothing to do with The United Nations, it is a failed effort, bogged down in politics.  Do your job, George W. Bush!  Raise your own people and do the good in Iraq that you intended.  Forget about amnesty and dispense justice!

Had a temporary association with Laser 101, St. Martin, Dutch West Indies.  They were asking Linda questions daily.  Some of them were quite silly but here's a few of the more interesting ones.

1.  Do They practice group sex in The Afterlife?
A.  No.  Because of the way that intimacy occurs in The Afterlife it can be only engaged in by two individuals, one male, one female.  The presence of any others makes intimacy impossible, so intimate relations in The Afterlife have to be private.
2.  What does Jesus think about a man having more than one woman, and, people having orgies?
A.  Multiple marriage is a standard practice in The Kingdom Of God, as more women tend to survive in The Afterlife than men.  There is often a three to one ratio.  So, to keep things in balance, many men have two and sometimes three companions.  The Kingdom Of God does not approve of group sexual encounters.  They believe intimacy should be a private affair between two people, and not public.
3.  What do the people in The Afterlife think of Halloween?
A..  Well, The Kingdom Of God does not particularly care for it.  They consider it a pagan holiday.  Of course Those of The Spiritist Republic consider it the most important holiday of the year because it is the day They consider Their Ancestors arrived on Earth.  It is their biggest celebration of the year.
4.  Are the alien souls the same as ours and do souls roam from planet to planet?
A.  No, normally souls can only exist in the biosphere where they evolved.  It takes a long time for Souls to reach the Immortal stage where They can exist in any biosphere.  With the aid of space ships, Souls can visit the Afterlives of other worlds, but they can only stay there a short time and must return to their native world.  All Souls are made of basically the same thing, ectoplasmic energy in a very purified and condensed form.  But each biosphere produces Souls of a slightly different frequency.  Very rarely two races evolve whose Souls are interchangeable that could survive in either race.


Mussolini was one of the most profound idiots in history.  By some strange phenomena he became the leader of a country and the people of that country followed him into absolute disaster!  Now there are those who are worshipping him as a god, and calling him a great man when he survived but moments in The Afterlife.  How strange the heroes that man chooses!

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