September 17, 2,003
Who's Where

Had not intended an email this morning, but so much is going on what you intend and what happens is two different things!  Got an invitation from a network talk show to come to California and be on it live.  Unfortunately we could not accept.  We literally have nothing to make such a trip decent clothes, not even any suitcases!  And the demands of my job make it almost impossible for me to get away.  Jesus is trying desperately to get us independent funding so we will be free to do more things like this, and also, have a more secure dwelling that we will not feel insecure to leave unattended.  But until we make some progress on these issues we can't do much traveling.
Former Governor Frank O'Bannon of Illinois made it to The Afterlife, but when he found out Americans were being held outside of The Kingdom Of God and he wouldn't be allowed to enter, he became irate and said "I don't care WHO Jesus is, He doesn't tell us how to run our lives, how to run our country, our state, who we can support and who we can't support!  The material world is ours, it does not belong to Him.  How we run things is our business, it is none of Heaven's concern.  If I am not welcome because I did what I thought was right and supported what I thought was appropriate I wish to have nothing to do with Heaven, Jesus, or, God!  Let me go someplace else."  Those caring for him said "Most certainly!" and arranged for him to go to another part of The Afterlife where he has been welcomed and is settling in.  He has asked where he has gone not to be revealed.  Everyone was rather taken back, but if this is the man's wishes this is what he gets.
Got a request to explain where the different Apostles are in Canada, and who They will be trying to work with.  Well, we can't say who all of Them are working with because those They are trying to contact want some privacy.  But here is a list of the current Apostles and where They are.

1. Joseph Smith-  Saskatchewan   2.  Andrew (Peter's brother)-  Yukon Territory  3.  John, the "Son of Zebedee"-  Northwest Territories  4.  James, his brother-  Quebec  5.  Philip-  Newfoundland   6.  Bartholomew-  New Brunswick
7.  Matthew-  Ontario  8.  James "the son of Alphaeus"-  Manitoba  9.  Martin Luther Founder Of Protestantism-  British Columbia  10.  Thaddaeus-  Nova Scotia  11.  Simon-  Prince Edward Island  12.  John Lennon- Alberta

We know this is not the list of Apostles that people are used to.  To get an explanation of the new leadership of The Kingdom Of God check out our web page below.

The only ones that we know of that any of The Apostles are trying to reach are those John Lennon is working with; The Catholic Bishop of Calgary and the Premier of Alberta.   John is splitting his day between the two.  The only time he is taking off is the hour or so a day when Linda reads to him, what he calls his pleasure time.  The Kingdom Of God is putting everything It's got into Canada in hopes of stopping the homosexual movement there and turning the tide. While we've got the new energy we're going to use it, and hope we can generate more.
Sadly, we have lost another contact in Canada, Bow Valley Alliance Church, Calgary, Alberta,  More souls have chosen eternal death rather than obedience to God.  This is terribly sad but as long as those in Canada continue to receive the power that The Kingdom Of God is sending and continue to resist evil The Kingdom Of God will continue to send it, and Those that work for Jesus, that have sworn absolute obedience to Him, will continue to fight to reach them and save Their children!   I would say the people of Canada are very important to Them, very, very important to Them!

FOOTNOTE: The chief of police who was recently murdered in Iraq was given an opportunity to have the dead zone opened so he could leave and enter into The Afterlife, but he refused it!  He said "No, I'm not that bad off.  I wish to remain here and continue the fight against those who would destroy my country for the sake of fundamentalism, for the sake of hate.  If you release me, you will also have to release the evil ones.  Let me stay right here."  Of course his wishes were honored.  Here is a true hero of Islam, a true Servant Of God!

    Archery On The Old Worlds

Hunting Season is coming here in North Dakota and there's the same controversy here that I used to hear in Maine all the time.  Those who hunt with bows and arrows are given extra time over those that hunt with rifles.  I was asked "Did the people of The Old Worlds have archers, people that went out and hunted even in modern times, with primitive weapons?"
They most certainly did!  The Hashons were great archers!  They not only used the weapons in hunting, but had tournaments every year.  They loved the bow and arrow, and it was always a part of Their culture!
The Havens hunted with crossbows. It was a little hard to use a bow in the air.  But They, too, cherished these old weapons.
Even after Their Great Holocaust when The Peepians could no longer hunt They still enjoyed archery.
  Yes, you could hear the whiz of an arrow on all The Old Worlds!

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