September 25, 2,003
Powerful Reinforcements

Our interviews are usually excellent.  Two losers in a row is pretty strange! Yesterday afternoon the phone started ringing, and it was somebody saying they were the producer of The Fish Show in Dallas.  Supposed to be a nationally syndicated show, wanted me to fill in because he'd lost two interviews, so I said sure.  I started doing the interview and the so-called host sounded like he was loaded, definitely incoherent, and they kept wanting me to say I listened to the show.  When I didn't, and this is something I don't appreciate, well, anyway the guy got so stupid that I finally just gave up and hung up.  The producer called back three times!  We kept saying no, but he said "Please please!  It's my job.  If I don't get somebody to fill in it's my job!"  So I gave it another try. The so-called host came on again and again was completely stupid. Then the phone made a funny noise and disconnected.  I said "Enough of this!" and we went online trying to send an email to Arnold's campaign that came back.  I had very bad vibes with these people.  I seriously doubt if they were a legitimate program.  I think it was some kind of prank.  If they're a legitimate program I can't, for the life of me, understand how they've managed to stay on the air!  We're far too busy to play silly games with people.  Hopefully there'll be no more of this!
Every time we think we're going to have a short email more news pours in from The Afterlife that has to be reported!  Jesus has more reinforcements in His campaign to make Arnold Schwarzenegger Governor of California...two Native Americans- a Chief Jack and a Chief Joseph (I've never heard of either one) have announced that they have rallied The Native American Forces that are not part of The Kingdom Of God because They can never forgive what the white men have done to their people, and are bringing Them to join those Native American Spirits in California supporting Jesus' effort!  I am told these individuals and their supporters are joyously welcomed by Those already there, and will be a tremendous help fighting to reach their living associates.  Again this shows how the struggle to save mankind reaches across every barrier in The Afterlife!  All are determined to defeat the creatures of Darkness and save mankind.  Jesus has taken the time to personally welcome these two respected Indian leaders, and to thank Them for joining His effort.
Also, former First Lady Jackie Kennedy has announced that she has become enraged because the feminist movement, as she calls it, "those questionable women," are attacking the character of the husband of a dear friend to promote their political agenda.  She has gathered the other First Ladies and their husbands, and They, too, are going to California and entering the fight!  Jackie says she will be trying to reach every woman of influence she can and convincing them to support Arnold!  The Afterlife's heavy guns are joining the battle!  Those opposing Arnold are going to be fighting against The Afterlife's very best!
There is a sad note today, however.  Jesus has made it clear that if Arnold is defeated the spiritual dead zone that covers Los Angeles will be reinstated, and if Lt. Gov. Bustamante is elected, a second dead zone will be opened in Sacramento.  He says if the people of California choose politics as usual, the good old political machine, He can respond in no other way.
There'll be no email tomorrow.  Again The Kingdom Of God is putting everything It's got into California and Canada.  They're really going to be pushing the power into California the next two weeks. I wouldn't be surprised if everybody there gets light headed!  The Kingdom Of God is literally overloading the system!

FOOTNOTE:  Something very strange about the message that Jesus is giving Arnold's competitor McClintock!  Jesus is telling him that if he withdraws now and supports Arnold He will, in the future, do all in His power to make him Governor of California.  "After all," Jesus says, "in four years or so Senator Schwarzenegger will be moving to Washington and, in time, be living in The White House!"  When I heard about this I told Jesus there's no way Arnold can be President, he's not a native born American. He can't live in The White House.  Jesus only smiled at me and answered "Yes he can!  There is most certainly a way that he can live in The White House!  Think about it, my dear friend."  I have been, but I still don't get it.  But obviously The Lord Of Heaven is up to something, is planning plans.  This one is going to be a surprise to me! I gotta see how He's gonna do this one!  I know He supports the native born article in the constitution and wouldn't want that changed, so how could Arnold be President and live in The White House?


    Who Holds The Fort?

Got a question some time ago we haven't had a chance to answer.  "What happens when The Apostles leave The Kingdom Of God to take on one of these missions Jesus is giving Them on Earth?  Who minds the fort?  Who keeps everything going in The Kingdom Of God?"
Well, fortunately each of The Apostles has an excellent staff of Helpers who are highly trained and skilled in the performance of his duties, and whenever The Apostles are commanded by Jesus to take on some Earthly task They can easily fill in for Them for a couple of weeks, or even a month, and everything in The Kingdom Of God just keeps humming along smoothly.  That's the thing about The Afterlife, everything is professionally and well run.  There's plenty of people to do the work, and They know what They're doing.

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