October 1, 2,003
The Virgin Islands

It looks like The Kingdom Of God is winning in California!  The forces of Darkness are trembling and running!  But The Angelic Messengers will continue to work right up 'til election day, giving people the same message "Vote out Davis!  Vote in Arnold!"  Jesus will continue to work with McClintock trying to get him to withdraw and support Arnold, and we will be watching very carefully for any last minute Democratic dirty tricks which they are famous for.
Where things are going so well we got an opportunity to ask Jesus a couple of questions.

 1.  What does He think about the scandal in Washington that a member of Bush's staff revealed the name of a CIA operative to the press and, that a member of the press released it?  Jesus' answer is "I understand the press' necessity to protect their sources, but there are times when the crimes those sources committed are so great that the person responsible for them has to be revealed.  I believe that this is most certainly one of those times!  The person that did this horrible act should be arrested, tried, and severely punished.  And the reporter that released the name should also be punished.  They have put many lives in jeopardy, and endangered the safety of the American people.  Such uncaring acts must be properly answered. It deeply saddens me that since I stopped counseling President Bush personally, his administration has degraded into such chaos. "

 2.  Apparently there is another movie about the last days of Jesus' life that attacks The Jewish People.  I asked Jesus what He thinks about this.  This is His answer.  "I have said this clearly and distinctly before, but I will repeat it again.  The Jewish People were not responsible for my death.  The common people loved me!  It was the priesthood and the civil government that put me to death.  And the priesthood is separate from the people.  Just as the priesthood today is betraying me for the sake of their secular power, the priests in those days betrayed me for the same reasons and turned me over to the civil authorities, The Romans.  Those are the ones responsible for my death.  Any attack on any Jew anywhere in the world I consider a personal attack on myself, and answer accordingly.  Let every person in the world know that, and, understand that!  Do not forget what temple I prayed in.  Do not forget whose blood flowed in my veins.  I was a child of Israel, a descendant of David, and any who attack my kin attack my blood, attack me.  Man is warned, and man had better listen!  For the wrath of  God is beyond their comprehension!"

That finishes the questions we proposed to Jesus.
The energy supplies that we have been getting that have enabled us to be so successful in California are coming from many places.  But Jesus wanted to particularly thank Lazer 101, St. Martin, The Dutch West Indies, The Rude Awakening Show, http://www.bulldogradio.com   They have had Linda on several times in the last weeks and a tremendous flow of spiritual energy has been coming through from them that has added to our efforts and helped tremendously!  Jesus sent John Lennon and Beatles & Friends to do a concert there last night.  We have said John hasn't had much time to write any new music, but sometimes he doesn't need much!  After they had concluded their first set the very excited crowd started crying "Give us a song!  Give us a song!  Give us a song for The Islands where they love you!"  John and the group returned to their places. John thought for barely a minute then went around and spoke to each performer, then went back to his place.  "All right!"  he said, "How's this?"  and the band played this little ditty.

By; John Lennon
Channeled through; Linda J. Polley
All rights reserved.

1.  There's a place down there on Earth
that doesn't know what it's worth,
a place they call The Virgin Islands.
Where the tropical winds
can blow away your sins,
That's why they're called
The Virgin Islands!

2.  Where the voices on the air
are just beyond compare,
Where there's no trouble on the wind.
No matter where you go
it brings the joy into your soul,
That's why they're called
The Virgin Islands!

3.  If I ever live again
let my sails fill with the wind,
Carry me down to hope and joy.
Let me live there once again,
let me wash away my sins!
That's why they're called
The Virgin Islands!

Let me find The Virgin Islands!

and the crowd went absolutely wild!  The group couldn't leave the stage for several minutes.as the applause and cheers continued.  They had to do the number one more time before the crowd would let them go to their break.  We hope the living enjoy it as much as Those in The Afterlife did!  It's one of John's quick numbers but we like it!  Linda had the music perfect last night, it was really lively, had kind of a reggae beat, I guess you'd call it that, but then she lost it and couldn't get it back.  Maybe she can later.  If she can we'll try to record it.

**July, 2,011 Update. There is now a video featuring this song at our web site!**
Click Here to watch it!

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