October  9, 2,003
Grand Old Time!

They asked in an interview yesterday what the partying will be like in The Afterlife celebrating The Kingdom Of God's victory in California, and, Jesus' and John Lennon's birthday.  Well there'll be a lot of singing, a lot of dancing, a lot of eating, and just a good time.  The usual pageants will be performed concerning Christ's birth, and there will be new ones documenting what John has done since becoming Apostle Designate.  A very special thing..The Angelic Choir will be giving Jesus and John an eight hour concert.  Jesus will take His Throne and John will sit at His right hand for the performance.  It will feature music from all over the world, including John's latest songs.  Jesus insisted on these!  Basically Everybody will just have a good time, not just in The Kingdom Of God, but in the entire Afterlife!  That's as best as we can describe it!
We've been asked if Arnold Schwarzenegger would've won the election in California without The Kingdom Of God's help.  The answer is the election would've been so close that even The Kingdom Of God wouldn't have been able to predict a winner because the undecideds would have decided it.  Whoever the winner would've been, their victory would have only been by a few hundred votes.  The Kingdom Of God gave Arnold a considerable margin.  They took votes from Bustamante, and, from McClintock, a little bit more from Bustamante than McClintock.  Bustamante's last minute statements that Arnold was a sexual predator angered many Hispanic voters, and made it possible for The Angelic Messengers to convince them to vote for Arnold instead.  The man would've been far better off if he'd just kept his mouth shut!  He'd have still lost, but the loss would've been a lot closer.  That's about all we can tell you.  The Kingdom Of God felt a clear and decisive victory was important, and I think They got one!
On another note, Jesus is, of course, delighted with Arnold's victory, and The Kingdom Of God will do what It can to support his efforts to turn everything around in California.  But Jesus is making a very interesting personal offer to Arnold.  Jesus says if Arnold will come out publicly and admit that he abhors homosexuality, that it sickens him, that he only supports it in any way so as not to upset his friends that support it, Jesus will work personally with Arnold for the first one hundred days of his administration the same way He did with President Bush before Bush became determined to sell out Israel.  Jesus will bring a team headed by Himself, and, his wife Mary Magdalene, who will work diligently with Arnold and his wife.  Pretty good reward for merely speaking the truth!  If I was Arnold I would accept!
There is only one sad thing in all this joy.  Jesus has decided to withdraw The Apostles from Canada, to continue the effort there against homosexuality with regular Workers, but to stop emails to Canadian newspapers and churches.  Jesus is very, very disappointed that Canadians are taking His power, receiving God's Gift and using it but refusing to acknowledge it and carry out The Work the way Jesus wants It done.  He will continue to support the anti homosexual effort in Canada, but no more time can be wasted on those that will not respond.  Jesus wishes to return His attentions to Israel and The Anglican Church.  If Canada was responding He would continue on a larger scale, but without receptors to receive His Power, acknowledge it, and use it for what it is intended for, it is senseless to continue the effort.  Jesus still wants a buyers' strike in Canada for the Christmas season, and still looks to the possibility of a general strike across the country.  But as those in Canada take His Gifts without responding He will cut back on those Gifts, and use His power elsewhere.  It's too bad, because things really seem to be cooking up there!  There's a lot of people that have got the idea, they just won't get it going.
Got the email below, this morning, and did it enrage Those in The Afterlife, especially John Lennon!  He said, and I quote "Don't touch this person! Nobody else is to do anything to them!  They are mine, personally!  I intend to make their life a living hell.  I intend to destroy every hope and dream they have.  I will expose the slightest evil they do until people want to have nothing to do with them.  They're mine, mine personally!  No one else is to get involved.  Doesn't like my lyrics, doesn't like my new music?  They're gonna wish they had!"  Yep, I think this person picked a very bad time, a very bad time, indeed!

You really think that Kurt Cobain, John Lennon, George Harrison and Bach want to associate with the likes of people like you? You must be on crack or something or your just a bunch of goons. Where is the proof that you actually speak to these great people? And dont even point to those lame songs you think up.

Get a clue MOORONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

The problem is we have a great many people, some of them quite influential, that recognize John's new music, think it is wonderful, and want to share it with the world, but they just can't get anything going.  Other people are afraid that if they accept it they will be shunned by the public, even though they, too, know it is true.  Many have acknowledged the music we have gotten from The Afterlife long before our Work with John Lennon began!  Kurt Cobain's song "Don't Listen To The Voices Mama" was readily recognized!  The fact that Their new music has changed and is often directed more to the people in The Afterlife than the material world confuses some people, but many still recognize the source.  If we could only make that recognition more public!

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