October 15, 2,003
75% Against Bryant

We've been asked what Those in The Afterlife think about the Colby Bryant case.  I'm afraid there aren't too many people in the Afterlife that doesn't think he's guilty. They think the evidence is pretty substantial.  It's about 75% guilty, about 15% not guilty, and 10% undecided.  It just amazes the people in The Afterlife that these highly paid sports stars think they're above the law, can do whatever they want to other people, that the males think women are just their personal playthings.  Of course this isn't all of them, many of them are very fine men.  But this is an attitude that presents itself from high school sports onward.  The sports jocks think they're something very important when they actually don't matter at all.  The people that really matter are those that are caring for the people, seeing to their welfare, and keeping them from harm, not some athlete who's being paid millions of dollars to throw a ball around!  Jesus especially finds it appalling that these people are paid so much and that those who are truly doing His Work have nothing.  Some of these sports stars do good with their money, help many people, but they are ridiculed and attacked, when the ones that spend their money on gambling and drugs, and every other form of perversion are considered the heroes.  Jesus says "Something wrong here, people!"
Got another question.  "Why did the tiger recently turn on his handler in the magic show?"  Something startled it. A dark and disgusting creature didn't like the good this performer was doing, helping to preserve these magnificent animals, and it made the tiger turn on the performer.  For just a brief moment there was a window of opportunity for the creature of Darkness to strike and it took it.  As always evil is constantly trying to destroy the good.  The good is beginning to triumph again, but there's still a long way to go!
We were asked "Why doesn't Jesus send His Workers to speak with those in The Anglican Church that support homosexuality and try to convince them to turn against it?"  Well, for two reasons.  First of all these people have chosen to reject Jesus.   They have already heard His counsel over and over again.  They know what The Bible says, but they are so determined to have their perversion accepted that they simply ignore the truth.  No matter how much you try to convince them that what they're doing is evil, they won't accept it, they are determined to have their way, so they can't be reached.  They are doomed to eternal death and there's nothing that can be done for them.  It would simply be a waste of precious energy to try.  So instead of trying to reach them, The Forces Of Heaven are drawing out their life energy to use to support those that are fighting their evil.  Drastic measures for drastic times. Secondly, Jesus and The Hosts Of Heaven cannot associate with evil, They can only associate with the good.  Their power only works with the good.  They cannot empower the evil because the evil have turned themselves off to Them, rejected Them.  Those that turn to lust, selfishness and greed rather than service to others seal their eternal fate.  Those who support homosexuality want to be popular, they want to be popular at any cost, and they are destroying their souls in the process.  That's why Jesus doesn't work with them, doesn't try to reach them.  Good reasons?

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