October 31, 2,003
Solar System Harrison

Not much new to report. The battle royal between The Queen Mother and Queen Diana is still going full tilt.  Again The Queen Mother has been warned that she cannot say some of the things that she has been saying about Diana because they are totally untrue.  She has toned down quite a bit, but is still rising up a campaign saying that Diana should not have been made a Queen, which is very, very unpopular!  Aside from that little has changed.
Muhammed is still trying to raise up The Iraqis against the former Baath Party members, and, Al Quaida.  Jesus is still working daily with The Anglicans, except for a few minutes He's taking once and a while to help with Linda's problem.
Ran into an old adversary yesterday, causing us trouble where he shouldn't be.  Hope he's still got his code book 'cause Halloween seems to be a good time to send him an important message.  Here it is.

M. Duplain, le canard n'a pas webbed des pieds et l'homme dans le chapeau
vert revient.

I'm sure he will be monitoring and pick it up.  Nothing big to end the month with in the magazine.  Just the fight continues.  We want to get going, the usual big celebration in The Afterlife is planned in The Spiritist Republic.  John Lennon will be doing concerts all day with Beatles & Friends.  People will be making speeches and there'll be fireworks displays, or, the equivalent in The Afterlife.  But anyway, with the increased energy levels and everything it's going to be a really good celebration this year!  People are in a good mood.  Let's hope we can keep things going and we can have the most spectacular New Year's celebration They've had for a long time!
On another note George Harrison is delighted that they named a minor planet after him!  But we've told him "Hey, George, when we start colonizing we'll name a whole solar system after you!"   And speaking of colonizing, two colony ships are scheduled to leave Earth in the year 3,000.  We want to have plenty of time to get them ready.  The one belonging to The Spiritist Republic is to be named The Alura.  The one belonging to The Kingdom Of God was supposed to be named The Martin but Jesus has withdrawn that name right now, and I guess we're going to be looking for another one.
One further thing, in John's latest song there is a phrase that says "We're going to set the world on fire," and someone asked what he meant by that line.  What he meant was that the glory of God should spread out from the place that he was singing about and become a spiritual fire that would spread throughout the world.  He's surprised people didn't understand what he was saying.


    Pornographic Material

 Sometimes you get a little bit irritated doing this work!  We were emailing Jesus' wishes on The Anglican Church this weekend and one of the emails came back from The Hartford Courant marked Pornographic material.  We did not appreciate this at all.  We had written to the religion editor so we wrote back to the managing editor telling him what had happened and stating we did not appreciate it.  There are limits!


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