August 11, 2,003
What About Arnold?

This Brian guy was such a pest that we finally had to block him out of our email.  He's simply totally irrational.  He says we're never on any talk shows. If anybody dared have us on they'd be fired the next day 'cause their producers wouldn't dare go against the homosexual movement.  He says they control the radio stations and people like me would never get on.  He's just such a loser that there was no sense bothering with him any more.
Someone has asked if Jesus would endorse Arnold Schwarzenegger for governor of California.  Well, we don't really know how Arnold stands on the issues.  Let's see. If he supported scrapping the current Mid East Peace Plan and supported The Kingdom Of God's Peace Plan of a separate homeland for The Palestinians outside of Israel, Jesus would probably endorse him.  If he supported a woman's right to an abortion.  Jesus can't stand the anti abortion people, He considers their propaganda blasphemy.  If he opposed the legalization of drugs, that would be a point in his favor.  If he opposed homosexual marriage that would also be good, but Jesus would doubt that in California.  He is a member of the Hollywood scene.  If Arnold supported aggressive clean air legislation that would make him of interest.  If he supported heavy sentences for the executives of companies that commit illegal acts...there's quite a few things Jesus would definitely endorse Arnold on if he supported them.  Let him put out a platform, state clearly in the press what he opposes and, what he favors.  Then Jesus could decide.  If he was on our side enough, Jesus would probably say "Arnold's a pretty good guy, I like him, why don't you vote for him?"  If somebody knows how he feels on these issues, let us know.  We're interested!
On another note, Jesus extremely disappointed.  Again the transmission of power to Calgary, Alberta was a tremendous success.  The power was received and is beginning to be transmitted throughout Canada.  The people are willingly accepting His gift, but His gift is not being acknowledged, and it hurts Jesus terribly that His power is being taken and being used, but people refuse to acknowledge that they are receiving it.  And I think we can understand His frustration. But regardless The Kingdom Of God will continue to send the power in the hope of rising the people of Canada and making them the focal point of the world campaign to stop homosexuality from becoming a fundamental part of society which will destroy society  forever.  But Jesus continues to ask "Where are my children?  Where are my believers?  How can they receive my gifts and not acknowledge me?"  He is very, very confused.
Did get one comment from Canada.  "Why are we so concerned with Jean Chretien when he will be gone in February?"  Jesus does not want him to leave in honor, proud of what he has done.  He wants what he has done destroyed before he leaves office so his successor will know that such evil will not be tolerated.  Jesus wants to show the world what a creature of evil he is, and how defiled all that work with him are. Jesus does not want him to leave office of his own  accord, He wants him driven from office in shame!  If it is only two days before he retires, it does not matter.  Jesus wants him destroyed politically.

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