January 8, 2,004
Visions In The Night

Nothing much new.  The Kingdom Of God still putting Its full efforts into The White House to reach Bush.  All power that can be spared is being put into Mary's effort.  Have had some very nice confirmation on personal messages lately!  Wish we could share them with you.
Had two very vivid dreams last night.  One I hope is a true vision, the other I hope is a nightmare!  I was walking through this very nice neighborhood when I heard this delightful music.  I saw a man on a porch playing a banjo and stopped to listen.  When he got done I remarked, "That's absolutely beautiful!  I've never heard anything like it on the banjo before!  What's it called?"  The man smiled and said, "It's called 'Misty River.'  I should have put it out but the experts told me it was too slow, and the public wouldn't have liked it.  I'll give you some advice in the music biz, friend.  Never listen to the experts, they're idiots!  Always go with your gut.  You'll make out far better that way!"  "Thanks!" I answered.  The man hesitated a moment then continued, "You deliver messages to the living, right?"  "I try," I answered, "when they listen."  "Deliver a message for me to The New York Times.  Just send it out like you usually do, don't send it to anyone in particular.  It'll get there.  Tell them your dream can't come true, God won't let it.  But there's a greater dream that can come true, and will be marvelous for the world.  If you help it will be a tremendous future.  If you don't help, there won't be any future.  Put that out for me?"  "Sure!" I answered, "Glad to!"  I heard somebody calling to me up the street and said "Nice talking to you!  Gotta go!"  The man nodded and as I walked off began playing "Dixie" on the banjo.  I woke up feeling very, very good.  I have no idea who the man was, but I know I would have liked him if I'd met him when he was alive.  If anybody knows who he is, let me know!
In the second dream my wife and I and a close friend were sitting on a dock.  Across the way at another dock one of those huge new cruise ships was burning, and I mean it was burning!  My friend looked at me and said "Well, that is one you won't turn into a floating capitol!"  "That's a fact!"  I agreed.  "The only thing that's gonna be good for is scrap metal."  "How terrible," my wife put in, "people letting children play with fire on a cruise ship!  Won't they ever learn?"  "Apparently not," I answered, "not in this lifetime, maybe the next.  I wouldn't wanna be the insurance company covering that poor lady!  Well, come on, things to do!"  We all hurried off taking one more look at the carnage occurring across the way.  As I said, one good dream, and one nightmare.

*  *  *


Somebody was reading one of our old issues and came across the article about the little devices we used to carry that cleaned our teeth.  They were absolutely amazed by these, and asked what other little devices we had like that for medical treatment.  Some of them were pretty phenomenal, and amazed even Us.
Say you went in for your hundred year rejuvenation, and it was discovered you had polyps in your colon.  These polyps would have to be removed before the rejuvenation process could be done, otherwise they would corrupt it and cause it to fail.  The patient would be laid on an exam table, and a special tube inserted into their throat.  Two small droids would be injected into the stomach through the tube that would immediately make their way into the digestive system.  The patient would be put in what was called a med com, where they would float in suspension fields waiting for the process to begin.  When the droids reached the top of the colon one of them would inflate, anchoring itself to the colon wall, and block the colon.  It would send a signal to the med com that it had accomplished this purpose.  The med com would then flush the colon so it was clean.  When this was done the second tiny droid would proceed down the colon removing all the polyps it encountered on the way by burning them off with a laser.  The med com would remove the polyps as they came down. When the droid was done it would be removed.  The one at the top of the colon would deflate and move in position where the med com could remove it.  The procedure would then be complete!  The patient could be removed from the med com and the rejuvenation process continue as normal, with the patient feeling virtually no discomfort while this procedure was carried out.
This is just one of the procedures for which such tiny droids were used.  You can see how practical they were, how much of a benefit these little wonders were to our physicians, and the trauma they saved patients. I don't know exactly what the Earthly procedure would be, but I'm quite sure Ours was much more comfortable and a lot safer.


A Lord Of Light and a demon are hovering over a battlefield.  On each side of the battlefield a soldier is beating bound prisoners with a club.  The demon looks to The Lord Of Light and says "See?  Your people are no better than mine.  Yours are just as cruel, though they say they are children of The Light."  The Lord Of Light did not answer, but flew down, materialized, and snapped the neck of the soldier that was beating his peoples' prisoners.  He then shot across the battlefield and broke the neck of the person that was beating his peoples' enemies.  "I see no Bearer Of The Light," The Lord Of Light remarked.  "I saw only two creatures of Darkness, only two of those that serve you.    -An Old Hashon Legend

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