January 14, 2,004
Mary Off To Riyadh

Not too much today.  Mary will be leaving President Bush noon, eastern time.  SHe is not totally displeased with her efforts.  She feels she has made some contact and that President Bush is beginning to look seriously at The Kingdom Of God's Proposals.  To show The Kingdom Of God's good will towards The Islamic People Mary will now go to Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, and try to reach those opposing reforms of Islam.  She will join her power with Muhammed's and try to get King Fahd to support Father Abraham's Peace Plan and to get those opposing King Fahd's reforms to accept them, to end the hate and greed that infests Islam.
Everybody else will be going back to Their usual things.  Jesus has particularly asked John Lennon to write a new song about President Bush's stubbornness, that he has been given the power of The Kingdom Of God but he won't won't use it because his advisors are afraid of it, afraid the people will think he has become too religious.  Now, I'd call that a challenge for even John's abilities!  But that's about all this morning.  The fight continues.  The war is not over, and The Forces Of Good are determined to rally Their Forces and win!  Are you with Them, or are you with the creatures of Darkness?

FOOTNOTE: Went to the doctor Monday.  Arthritis is spreading.  Doctor keeps asking if I'm still working.  Took blood for some tests. May have to change medication.  Hope whatever it is isn't too expensive!
Linda has made a page of links to all the articles online in Voices about The Old Worlds, similar to the pages she did for The Ancient One stories, and Life Stories and has put it up on The Reading Room site.  Check it out!  A lot of fascinating stuff there!

***This list is no longer on line but may be replaced at a new location soon.***

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