January 21, 2,004
Temples Worthless

Kingdom Of God liked President Bush's State Of the Union Address, especially the part about defending marriage, so much so Jesus has ordered that both spiritual dead zones in Texas be shut down for a week, just to let the people there feel the difference. Then if they see a little bit more action, if they hear The First Lady's on the phone calling churches and saying "We've got to stop these homosexuals!  They've gone too far!  This has to end! Please join me in the battle!" then the Texas dead zones will be shut down completely.
Having trouble with the shut down of the New England dead zone.  It has gone down in New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut and, Rhode Island.  But it has not gone down in New York!  Instead of the two Canadian zones bridging from the dead zone centered in Labelle that encompasses Ottawa and Montreal, the dead zone runs down the border of New York, goes along the coast of Manhattan Island, then goes back through New Jersey and Pennsylvania, back to the dead zone that's centered in Guelph that encompasses Toronto, Burlington, Hamilton and other cities in that area.  All of New York State is still a spiritual dead zone!  As a matter of fact it has become even more intense than when the New England dead zone was operating!  Everyone is at a loss.  The only possible thing that anyone can think of is that New York State is The Harlot's (Hillary Clinton's) power base.  That the people there give her her place in The Senate from which she continues to corrupt the world.  It is thought that her evil is so great that she, herself is keeping the dead zone open in that area so The Lords Of Light cannot work against her.  If this is so it means she still has a formidable amount of power, and it is still going to take some effort to defeat her.
It is believed if both Canadian dead zones were shut down it would probably clear this problem.  But Canada is not quite cooperating enough as far as The Kingdom Of God is concerned.  When They start seeing some Canadian troops in Iraq, and strong legislation against homosexuality in general, and, the stopping of homosexual marriage, The Kingdom Of God will be inclined to shut these dead zones down, but not before that.  But the battle is joined.  Jesus and His Forces are in New Hampshire, and They're after Dean, and, some General, too.  But he's just a side issue.  They want to put Dean out of action first!  Let's see if They can repeat Iowa.
Jesus extremely disappointed in Anglican meeting that took place in Texas.  He says "These people have put material property before the salvation of the members of their congregation.  They do not worship God, they worship their temples.  They worry about losing their material meeting places and not caring for the souls in those meeting places.  I remove Rev. Donald Armstrong of Colorado Springs, Colorado, from my fellowship.  I strike his name from The Book Of Life because he cannot walk away from his expensive temple, he cannot do the will of God because he is tied to a material thing.
I do not want a protest organization among The Anglicans in The United States, I want a separate, true church, and any that speak against that separate church are not my followers.  They have put the demon of greed before God The Father, and worship him.  They put their temples first, and not God.  I ask every true Anglican in The United States to rise up, walk out of their temples, and lock the doors, and proclaim that these are places of evil inhabited by demons.  I don't care if you worship in garages, if you worship in open fields.  What matters is that you worship the truth, that you worship God The Father and not the places where He dwells.
I would very much like to return this one who I have removed from my fellowship, and, all that was with him.  I would prefer very much to greet them joyously when they enter my Kingdom and cry "Well done my true and faithful servant!" but I cannot, as long as they put material things before me.  I stand at the door of every Anglican temple in The United States and cry to those within "Come out!  Come out!  Come back to God.  Do not be partakers of sin.  Do not support this house of evil any more!  For every Anglican temple is now a house of evil, a house that is sodomizing children, that is destroying souls.  Break away!  Walk away!  This is the command of God The Father, and, my command.  If you follow me leave this church!  Do not be a part of this evil."
 The Archbishop Of Canterbury is a creature of Darkness. He has sold his soul in the name of church unity.  He has surrounded himself with perverted men who will do any evil for popularity.  Do not be among them, do not sentence yourselves to eternal death.  Come back to me.  My love for you is just as great as it has ever been.  I want you to dwell in my Kingdom.  But I cannot accept evil, I cannot tolerate evil no matter how good those in the material world think it is, no matter how innocent they think it is. And you are now partaking of evil.  Hear my words, leave these temples!  Walk away and be true to God and come before me with joy.  These material things are worth nothing.  This one I have put out says his temple is worth twelve million dollars.  I tell you it is worth absolutely nothing!  That you are destroying your souls for nothing!  Who will you believe, him or me?"



We've been asked for another one of our recipes.  People liked the beans!  We eat very simply, very economically.  One of our favorite meals is a box of macaroni and cheese with peas put in it.  We often add chopped up turkey ham, beef hot dogs, or chicken or beef vienna sausage.  When we're really ambitious we may add some extra cheese, anything that's handy, cheddar, mozzarella, or even American slices.  But it makes a very good meal.

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