January 22, 2,004
Bad Start In New Hampshire

Jesus' Work in New Hampshire started off with a very negative note.  We wrote to The Cabinet telling them that Jesus was coming and giving them John Lennon's new song.  We got a note back from Michael Cleveland mcleveland@cabinet.com saying "you might wish to at lest attempt to find a life for yourself."  I sent back a note telling him where he was going when he'd die, and thought that would be sufficient.
But Jesus said  "No, I will not tolerate this!  This person has insulted me, and insulted him wo works for me!  My beloved  Demetrius has a life, serving the good, protecting the innocent, helping those in need, and doing what is right.  It is this ignorant person who has no life!  He supports evil, he closes his eyes to sickness and attacks the righteous.  I strike his name from The Book Of Life, and, the names of all those that work with him.  I sent my Angels with this message to bear witness to them.  He rejected Them, and in rejecting Them he rejects me.  And as all who are associated with him support his evil they, too, must be cast out of Heaven.  Those who do the service of God, who speak the truth, have a greater life than those who dwell in lies, who will do anything for the sake of popularity, and care only about the bottom line.  It is those who will never enter into my Kingdom, for they have no righteousness. We have come to New Hampshire to fight evil, to destroy the wicked that would sodomize our children, and those who are against us forfeit their eternal life.  No matter how humorous they think what We are saying is, no matter how they think their actions are justified, those who oppose us oppose the will of God The Father, and are damned forever, where those who stand with us receive the glory of God, and will know joy beyond measure.  Get a life Michael!  Enjoy this one, because it is all you are going to have."  This ends Jesus' comments.
Linda has a demo up of "Don't Vote For Dean!"  Check it out!  Ask your local stations to play it.  Spread the word that Jesus is in New Hampshire and fighting for the life, the eternal life, of his children.

(Demo no longer available online.)

FOOTNOTE:  John Lennon excited that our movie, "Where Has Eternity Gone?" is being mentioned on the BBCi web site!  Check it out at:

This article is no longer on line.

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Well, it's time for that old financial report!  And this year, despite everything, we're doing fairly well.  Our personal income last year was $13475.06.  Our expenses were $11725.09, which actually left us a surplus of $1,749.97! Of course the debt we owe on our medical bills is still $3,800.00, so some of that surplus is going to have to go on that.  But at least we have enough to hold us in good stead, until spring when expenses will drop and things will get better.  And we should be able to get rid of a lot of that debt.  This financial betterment, however, is only the result of some extremely good fortune and the generosity of a lot of people in the last year that helped us with our medical bills, not the debt, but ongoing bills for needed exams and medication.  If not for that generosity we would not even have been able to pay our regular bills.  We would not have had enough to eat, or, a place to live.  And The Lords appreciate the kindness of all.
Voices has also been doing well!  We took in $1211.83 and spent $702.00 which gave us a surplus of $509.83.  Again donations have been better than they have been in years, and we have been able to do some good things, and we hope to do some more good things this year.
We've got some stuff coming up that will probably use up quite a bit of this surplus, but it's good not to be running in the red and having Voices hold its own.  Hopefully things will continue well this year!  Donations have dropped off a little because everybody's broke from the holidays.  But hopefully they'll pick up again.  There's a possibility of some major money coming in that may free us from the every day drudgery so we can devote full time to the religious work.  When that news comes we'll let everybody know.

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  In one of our recent "Here's Jesus!" segments Jesus spoke of the psychic bond between Him and His Disciples, and how it makes Them function virtually as one, yet maintains Their individual personalities.  Someone has asked "Do such psychic bonds exist on Earth?"  They most certainly do!  In almost every truly functioning church in the world there is a psychic bond among its members.  As people group together and begin to work for the same purposes they develop a mental unity, a bond with one another far beyond the consciousness, sometimes far beyond the subconsciousness, but the bond exists, nonetheless.  And in a true church enables the members of that community to accomplish things far beyond the capabilities of other groups.  The influence that such churches exert on the community for the good, can be readily seen.  Unfortunately this can also work with the dark forces, as can be seen in such organizations as The Klan.  Evil, too, can unite the consciousness of its followers as well as good, so people must be aware of this power and see that it is used rightly.

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