January 26, 2,004
Why Muhammed Wants Me

There is little new to report this morning.  The Kingdom Of God will be putting everything It's got into New Hampshire tomorrow to stop Dean.  It will be a virtual repeat of the sabbath.  Every free person will be saying a prayer all day, asking God The Father to empower His Son, and, to defeat Dean.  Everybody that can help in the rest of The Afterlife will also be sending Their vibrations towards New Hampshire.  There will be ten Angelic Messengers at each polling place repeating the same message over and over again; "Don't vote Dean!  Save our children!"  Plus each voter will have an Angelic Messenger with them until they vote, repeating the same message.  The Angelic Choir will be singing "Don't Vote For Dean!" all day.  The Kingdom Of God will be doing all It can.  There will be no email tomorrow because of this.  The Kingdom Of God will be using The Angelic Messengers that normally go out with our emails so there will be no opportunity for us to send an email.  Everything will be put into the New Hampshire effort.
Things have not gotten better in Iraq.  Muhammed came to Jesus and told Him what it is that has so upset him, and asked again, that all the spiritual dead zones in Iraq be lifted so he could have free access to all the country.  Jesus, on hearing what has so upset his beloved friend, has granted his request.  All the spiritual dead zones in Iraq have been shut down and Muhammed's Agents, two with each Iraqi, are delivering the same message over and over again.  "Put out the UN!  They have betrayed you!  They are your enemy, not your friend. Rely upon The Americans.  Don't accept anything The UN wants.  Don't believe in them!"  This message is being poured into The Iraqi people.
Rumors are running wild in The Afterlife.  There's all kinds of crazy ideas why Muhammed is so angry.  Some are saying The UN was hiding Hussein and now is insisting on amnesty for him.  Others are saying they know where the weapons of mass destruction are, and won't tell because they don't want The Americans vindicated.  Others are saying The UN actually hid the weapons of mass destruction so the allies couldn't find them.  The rumors are just unbelievable!  Others are saying The UN is insisting that no Baath Party members be tried, that they be given blanket amnesty.  Whatever it is doing, Muhammed doesn't like it, and is willing to risk destroying all of mankind to stop them!
Muhammed has answered one question, however, and that is why is he so insistent that I go to Iraq and judge Hussein?  His answer was this.  "Beloved Teacher, giver of all wisdom and truth, keeper of The Light Of Eternity, there is a small chance that Hussein still has enough power to escape eternal death.  This is his belief.  This is why he is so arrogant and still so defiant.  He believes that his supporters give him enough power that he can escape into the Darkness of the material world and continue to exist.  Only you, precious bearer of truth, have the power when he dies, to open a passage into The Afterlife and push him through.  Only you have the power to absolutely and completely destroy him forever!  But to use that power you must be where he is.  You cannot do this from a distance.  You have to put your power against his, then and there.  I want him to know that you are there. I want him to know that you have come to destroy his immortal soul, that the almighty, all knowing and all just God has sent you to insure that he is destroyed forever!  I want him to look into your eyes and to know that you are eternal death, that you are the end of all that he intends!
That, my Teacher, that, my wisdom, is why I want you in Baghdad, not only for Hussein, but for all who follow him, all who worship him.  I want them to know that God has appointed you, and you bring for them, eternal death, forever nonexistence!  That through you they lose Paradise.  That's why you must go to Baghdad, my Teacher.  That is why you must sit in judgment.  They must know that it is either confess to God, or, die forever!  None else, no one else, has the power, no one else has the strength, only you, my dear friend.  I must have you.  You must serve me!"
Apparently the dark ones fear what Muhammed wants.  I was attacked this morning, barely as I rose from sleep, a very vulnerable time because I am usually half way between the spiritual world and the material world.  The attack came from several sources, was a unified effort.  I felt the defensive power go out and felt it destroy two of the attackers.  I think the third survived but must be in pretty bad shape right now.  This was an utter act of desperation.  The dark ones know such assaults against me are virtual suicide.  But they made the attempt anyway.  I'm still pretty shaky, terribly disoriented and feel like I want to throw up all the time.  If the attack had not been blocked it would have killed me, probably caused heart failure, or, a stroke.  The dark ones definitely do not want us to do what Muhammed intends, which makes Muhammed's desires to do it even greater.  I am really surprised that on checking the news I haven't found that a couple of prominent political leaders or religious leaders dropped dead this morning.  Each passing day the dark ones that still oppose us fear us more and more.  If only their minions did, also.

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    Give Ireland Back To The Irish!

 Surprisingly we still get comments from people that find mentions in our magazine that The Kingdom Of God supports the unification of Ireland, supports The IRA.  They ask "How can this be?  The IRA are terrorists! They're attacking The British for no reason.  The British only want to keep the peace.  How can The Kingdom Of God support them?"  It's simple!  The English conquered Ireland.  They literally slaughtered the inhabitants in the north and those they didn't simply kill they drove south like cattle.  Then they sent their colonists in and took over.  Slowly some Irish were permitted back into the area as slave labor.  The Kingdom Of God considers the election to partition Ireland a fraud.  The English moved all their supporters to the northern provinces before the vote so that those provinces would stay with England.  The history of English suppression and cruelty in Ireland is well documented. The hatred of The English towards The Irish is unquestioned.  The Kingdom Of God simply cannot support such an evil!  Remember, time does not exist in The Afterlife.  To Them something that happened five hundred years ago happened yesterday.  So when The English claim "Well, we've been here 500 years!  We have a right to the land!"  Those in The Kingdom Of God have no respect of that claim at all.  It does not hold up in their courts.  The English should remove their followers from Northern Ireland who do not wish to be Irish, take them someplace else, and then they should give Northern Ireland back to The Irish, relinquish all control of it.  Then this long, dark period of shame can come to an end.  The Kingdom Of God will accept nothing else!  And England will always be out of Their favor until They get what They want.

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