February 18, 2,004
Is This Plane Safe?

We doubt if there will be any email tomorrow.  If all goes according to plan we should be in sunny California!  Probably it'll be raining like anything!  We're supposed to be doing a segment on Jimmy Kimmel Live! Friday.  Keep your fingers crossed.  This is what you call going into the lion's den, but probably we will be in and out before the enemy even knows we're there.  Just a quick slashing raid.  If we can get access to a computer we may try to get something out.  But we can't guarantee anything.  But definitely we'll let you know how things went Monday.  If you have an opportunity watch Friday, or set your vcrs.  Hopefully The President or somebody like that won't show up and preempt us, or the big one won't hit California while we're headed out there.  The dark ones will do anything!
Kingdom Of God extremely pleased that They have defeated Dean!  They will still make an effort to keep people from voting for him but now Their main target will be Edwards.  They were able to take 3% from Dean in Wisconsin, and 2% from Edwards, giving Kerry a good margin of victory, which he would not have had without Their assistance.  The Kingdom Of God calculates that the race in Wisconsin would've been neck and neck and They would not have been able to predict the winner.  They are quite certain Their efforts gave Kerry the victory.
Their main focus now, is Super Tuesday, which Jesus will be putting His full efforts into after our visit to California is concluded.  But He wants to stay with us while we are there and channel as much of His power into California as He can while He has His best conduits there to do so.  But the primaries in Utah, Idaho, and Hawaii will not be forgotten.  They hope to make a clean sweep of them for Kerry, defeating Edwards in all of them.
Joseph Smith is going to Utah to lead the fight there.  Martin Luther is going to Idaho, and Matthew is going to Hawaii, definitely Heaven's heavy artillery!  They don't want to lose Their momentum.  It will probably end up a Kerry/Edwards ticket in November, no matter how much Edwards says he won't take the vice presidency.  The party will want the north/south mix, probably already planning on it.  But The Kingdom Of God does not want Edwards in the leading position.  They consider him too dangerous, and if They can They will remove him from the campaign completely.  We'll just have to wait and see how successful They are.

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