February 4, 2,004
Lieberman Clobbered!

Kingdom Of God absolutely delighted with Its efforts yesterday against Dean and Lieberman!  They had barely begun to warm up against Lieberman and They blew him right out of the water!  Their only disappointment was South Carolina. Though They took 6% from Dean and 4% from Lieberman and virtually all of it went to Kerry, They weren't able to beat Edwards' native son appeal. But They still think They did phenomenally well in that state!
In Missouri They took better than 11% from Dean and 2% from Lieberman, and it all went to Kerry, giving him a substantial victory!  Their efforts were not as substantial in Oklahoma. They were able to take only 1% from Dean and 4% from Lieberman, and though all of it went to Kerry it was not enough to push him over the top against Clark.  The Kingdom Of God is running into really die hard supporters in these states that will vote for their candidate no matter what.
Arizona was a different story altogether.  They took 12% from Dean and 6% from Lieberman, and virtually all of it went to Kerry.  The results were a substantial win for Kerry.  New Mexico was another success!  A little better than 10% was taken from Dean and 2% from Lieberman, giving Kerry a substantial victory.   The result in Delaware was phenomenal!  The Kingdom Of God took better than 20% from Lieberman and better than 10% from Dean.  The result was a devastating win for Kerry.  Kerry also won big in North Dakota, but The Kingdom Of God is not sure of Its percentage there, though They are quite sure They swayed quite a few votes there, too.  They can't give an exact estimate.
All in all The Kingdom Of God is very pleased, but rather perplexed about Their next moves.  They will continue Their efforts on Dean's machine in upcoming states,, though he does not intend to make another effort until Wisconsin, February 17th.  They do not want to lose Their momentum and have his supporters gain ground.  So They will continue Their efforts against him in every upcoming election.
The Kingdom Of God wants to make one thing clear.  Though Their efforts are helping Kerry, They do not support him.  He is just receiving the benefits of Their attacks on the more dangerous candidates.  Where Lieberman is gone, The Kingdom Of God has decided to turn Its efforts towards Clark, the next one on Their list of undesirables.  I wouldn't want to be Clark as The Kingdom Of God's Agents descend on his operation and begin to look for any weakness, any fault that They can exploit, because They are very good at finding things, even if they are deeply buried!  Things change very quickly in the political game when The Forces Of Heaven are against you!
The audio to "Let's Stop Lieberman" will be taken down tomorrow.  It has served its purpose. If you want to check it out you'd better do so today!

(Audio no longer available online.)

February 5, 2,004
How Did We Do That?

Kingdom Of God at a loss as to how well Its power worked against Lieberman in Delaware.  They would like to know the secret so They could use it elsewhere!  Not only were They able to change votes at the polls, but They caused a far greater number of people simply to give up and not vote at all long before the election ever came!  If all of these people had voted Lieberman would've done much, much better.  But they didn't, and that increased The Kingdom Of God's victory even more!  This is also happening with Dean's supporters.  The Kingdom Of God considers this all practice for the general election.  They want to be able to do the same things in November, if it's necessary.
It looks very much, to Them, that The Democratic ticket is going to be Kelly and Edwards, and right now the general election looks very close.  It's going to be how well things go in Iraq.  Muhammed wants the situation there all settled before July, and that's going to take some consierable effort.  But if he had Bush's cooperation, he believes a very stable solution could be at hand by then.  We can only wait and see.  See Muhammed's open letter to President Bush to understand what Muhammed wants in these matters.


It is no accident that the homosexual marriage crisis is coming to a head now.  This is something that Jesus wants taken care of quickly.  He wants a constitutional amendment before the election so this will be a non issue.  He wants The First Lady to lead the effort, and has empowered her, especially, to do so.  It would be very nice to see her speaking out, rallying America's mothers to save their children.  There's a lot of problems, but if we work together we could solve them, and it wouldn't matter who was running for The Democrats, they would make only a mediocre showing.  We can only wait and see!  Check out the following link to read when Jesus first appointed Laura Bush to watch over His children in North America, and to lead them out of evil.


You can also check out the song John Lennon wrote from The Afterlife encouraging Laura Bush to take Jesus' Cause.


Besides all this God recently summoned both Bushes to The Holiest Of All and spoke to them privately, telling them to take up His Cause and empowering them to do so.  When The Kingdom Of God has given two people in The United States Of America so much power and they refuse to use it it is a terrible circumstance.
Got some sad news from overseas.  Our film showing didn't go too well in London.  Some ignorant reviewer said he didn't like it, and a lot of people didn't go because they listened to him.  Boy, is he going to get a warm welcome in Hell!

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