February 9, 2,004
Dean Gets Clark's Votes?

February 8, 2,004

Kingdom Of God continues to clobber Dean!  They hit him exceptionally hard in Michigan.  They took a whopping 21% from him!!  He would've actually won Michigan if the Kingdom Of God had not interfered, probably not by much, but he would have carried the state.  But here's the really strange part! The Kingdom Of God knocked down Clark by 5%.  He should've gotten about 12% of the vote, but instead of these extra votes going to Kerry they went to Dean!  So instead of getting about 11% he got 16.  Everybody in The Kingdom Of God is simply scratching Their heads trying to figure out how this happened!  And as almost the exact same thing happened in Washington They are again perplexed!  The race there was virtually neck and neck.  The Kingdom Of God managed to take enough votes from Dean to give Kerry a 48% win.  But again the 5% They took from Clark went to Dean.  So Dean still got a 30%, and, 29 delegates, which The Kingdom Of God didn't really want.  They are definitely trying to find some way of keeping this from happening in the future!
They're changing what They're saying in Maine today, though the message will be more complicated.  They are now saying "Don't vote for Dean, vote for Kerry!  Save our children!  Don't vote for Clark, vote for Kerry! Save our children!"  We'll have to see if this works.  Though The Kingdom Of God prefers a simpler message, it does not want Dean getting the support They are taking from other people.  That would kind of defeat Their purpose.
Kingdom Of God disgusted by the 100 transvestites marching through New York in skirts demanding that men have the right to wear skirts.  This is just another example of the spreading sickness that is engulfing the nation.  They ask for all Americans to rally against this perversion and say no.  In this country the male tradition is to wear pants, and that is the way it should stay, no ifs, ands, or, buts!  Oh, kilts aren't included.  They are a functional garment developed for the terrain where the people who wear them lived, and are the traditional dress of that area.  But outside of that area they should only be worn on ceremonial occasions, not as every day dress.

February 9, 2,004

Kingdom Of God pleased with Its efforts in Maine!  Again The Kingdom Of God took 10% or better from Dean and gave it to Kerry, giving him a substantial victory.  They also took 6% from Clark, but again some of those votes went to Dean, about half, and the rest to Kerry.  They weren't able to completely stop what they call the Clark effect, but They were far more successful this time.  They are having troubles, however, getting people to switch their votes to Kerry.  Though many are expressing the official party line on the war, they know in truth, the war was necessary, and that Hussein had to be stopped, and actually that it should have been done sooner.  This is going to be a major factor in the general election.  And also veterans are rapidly turning on Kerry, even among his own party, especially those that served in The National Guard and did not go to the Viet Nam war, or had relatives that served in The Guard.  They consider these attacks direct attacks on their honor, that questioning Bush's military service questions their military service.  Kerry might think this is a good strategy, but it's shooting himself in the foot.  We certainly hope he keeps it up for the general election, but we wish he'd tone it down right now so We can get the dark ones that The Kingdom Of God does not want in power out of the way.
There will be no email tomorrow.  The entire Afterlife will be putting Its efforts into defeating Dean in Virginia and Tennessee.  Again from the time the polls open to the time they close Everyone will be praying to God The Father that He empower His Son to defeat Dean and Clark, and channeling this energy to The Angelic Messengers at the polls.
Sent a letter to the media in Wisconsin this weekend, telling them Jesus is coming there to lead the effort against Dean in their primary, and explaining what The Kingdom Of God has done thusfar.  The Kingdom Of God is still quite saddened that It has gotten no credit for what It is doing.  People know something very strange is going on, things aren't coming out the way they should be according to the polls.  Dean should be doing much better.  They can't understand why he is failing.  They blame the press.  They cannot accept the truth that he would destroy the souls of children for political power, and the very Forces Of Heaven are determined to destroy his political carreer.  But some day what The Kingdom Of God has done will be known, and celebrated by many!
Jesus sends a special message to First Lady Laura Bush.  It says,

"My Dear Servant Of God The Father, I, personally put upon you a personal mission.  I ask you to go to the legislature of Massachusetts, to stand before them and say  'The Time has come to stand against the homosexual movement.  Not only must you pass an amendment to your constitution banning same sex marriage, but you must pass an ammendment proclaiming, without question, that homosexuality is a sickness, unacceptable in any way, and the public display of it is a criminal act.  That as long as homosexuals stay in private and do not publicaly proclaim what they do is acceptable, the law should not bother them.  But when they perform their perverted acts in public and corrupt children they should be arrested, prosecuted, and imprisoned.  For they are publically committing sodomistic acts and corrupting children.  I ask you, in the name of God, in the name of Our Father In Heaven, to so amend your constitution and stop the homosexual effort in your state, here and now!  No open homosexual should be allowed to hold a public office.  No homosexual should be allowed to hold a religious position from which they can proclaim their sickness is an acceptable alternate lifestyle.  This lifestyle can never be accepted!  It is against everything every decent person believes and an end must be put to the acceptance of it.  Let that end begin here. And you cannot wait for several years to have the people approve this amendment so that the forces of Darkness can gather momentum against it. You must proclaim that this constitutional change be put before the people immediately, in a special election, that they may soundly proclaim it and lead the rest of the nation in this struggle against profound evil.  My dear friends, my dear fellow believers, we must act now!'  This is what I wish you to say to the Massachusetts legislature, First Lady, because I know this is what is in your heart, that in this matter you are with me unquestionably.  Go and tell the world that you are!"  This ends Jesus' message to The First Lady.


The wall a man builds around his house is not half as bad as the one he builds around his Soul.

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