February 11, 2,004
Kingdom Of God Rolls On

Boy!  The Kingdom Of God really pounding Dean and Clark, and beginning to get after Edwards.  Here's what They did yesterday.  In Tennessee They took 3% away from Edwards, 9% away from Clark, and 3% away from Dean, giving Kerry a 41% victory.  In Virginia They took 5% from Edwards, 6% from Clark, and 4% from Dean, giving Kerry a 51% victory.  Kingdom Of God delighted that Clark is dropping out.  Now They can shift Their full efforts to Dean and Edwards.  They are barely making an effort against Edwards and They are already taking good bites out of his support.  Whatever is left over from Dean in Wisconsin They will be throwing at him to see how well They can actually whittle him down.  But it is getting harder.  The voters that They are trying to influence now aren't the undecided, they are the die hards that support these candidates, and it is really taking an effort to turn many of them.  But The Kingdom Of God's success is really boosting Their morale.
They still have hopes of getting cooperation from the government, having me go to Iraq, sit in judgment on Hussein, and insure that he and his supporters suffer the second death and cease to exist forever, that their threat to humanity be ended, forever.  With all the problems I've been having lately I question this desire, but Muhammed is still convinced that this is the only chance we have of complete victory and, saving mankind. Jesus supports him.  As of yet we have not been able to get any sponsors to publish Muhammed's open letter to the President in any of the papers he wants.  But we are still trying!  Muhammed is a fighter, he is determined to save his people, to have them go with us to the stars and be an honored and respected race.  Such a determination often succeeds.
May have something exciting coming!  A national talk show wants us to come to California and appear on their program.  Unfortunately we wouldn't be able to go.  We don't have anything and both of us are having physical problems.  It's pretty bad when somebody wants you to go somewhere and you don't even have any suitcases or decent clothes!  We've spent all we have keeping the Work going, trying to pay off our medical bills and keep the bodies going.  There's little left even for the necessities, but we keep trying.  Our spiritual power is tremendous!  If we only had some material support to go with it!  Well, anyway, the show may be sending a satellite truck so we can be on that way!  Isn't modern technology wonderful?  We'll let you know if it becomes a go.
Also, Linda may be appearing regularly on a radio talk show singing one of John's new songs each week.  Again, not completely definite but something in the works.  The vibes are growing!  The Kingdom Of God's power increases every day.  As a matter of fact so much so, that we have had to shut down another spiritual dead zone.  Madrid, Spain, got the nod.  We're using so much power right now that we haven't had to shut down another power city to compensate.  We're simply using it up, but to keep things in balance a dead zone had to go.  As I say, We're making progress, coming back from that terrible day when Jesus was betrayed for Clinton and Heaven nearly died, and, mankind with It.  We have said it before and we will say it again, thank God for John Lennon, for his courage and his determination, that he held Heaven together in those desperate hours and won back Jesus!  We can't say it enough.  Heaven needed a hero and that hero came forth.  And what he hero he is!  We try every day to make the world understand what he has done.  It is literally beyond belief and cannot be praised enough.

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The debate on abortion is rising again, and everyone asks "What did They do on The Old Worlds?  Were abortions available There?"  Well, while they were necessary, yes.  But all three of The Old Races developed a system that made abortions virtually unnecessary.  As soon as a boy became sexually active his father took him to the family doctor, and the doctor installed two tiny valves in the tubes that carried sperm out of the testicles into the penis and closed them.  After that the young man could have all the sexual relationships he desired, all the intimacy that any young lady wanted to give him, but he couldn't make her pregnant.  When he got married and his wife was ready to have a child, he simply went to the doctor, the doctor opened the valves, impregnation was accomplished, and the valves were closed again until the couple were ready for another child.  This form of contraception was so effective that it was employed by all three Races with tremendous success.  So abortion was an issue They didn't have to worry about, because They took care of it before it happened.  Great idea, huh?

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He who gives hope is the one the people will love, but he is not necessarily the one the people will have rule.

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