February 12, 2,004
Desperate Try In Massachusetts

The Kingdom Of God was hoping that the people of Massachusetts could rally and stop the homosexual movement dead in its tracks, but sadly there are those that still promote evil, they want civil union for homosexuals, which is simply another name for marriage, and which The Kingdom Of God will not accept.  Homosexuals cannot be joined legally, in any way.  The Kingdom Of God will not accept it!  It will not be permitted!  They will let mankind be destroyed before They will let Their children be sodomized!  There is no compromise with homosexuality!  Homosexuality is evil, it is unacceptable, those that accept it are evil and unacceptable to The Kingdom Of God no matter what rationality they use.
The Kingdom Of God will be giving the Massachusetts legislature all the help it can today.  It will be dropping the spiritual dead zone in New England and flooding the state house chambers with Angelic Messengers, who will be begging the legislators to stand fast, to accept no compromise, not to sodomize God's children by accepting homosexual union.  They will be asking for a complete and total ban on all homosexual relationships.
Jesus, Himself, will be in the hall touching every legislator that will receive His touch, who has not already rejected Him, who has not already accepted eternal death for the sake of public support.  The Lord Of Heaven, Himself, will be in the chamber begging those who represent the people of Massachusetts to save His children, to cherish His little ones, and not destroy their Souls forever.
Those in The Afterlife simply cannot understand why the public has turned against decency, why they accept the ravings of the homosexual community, and allow them to compare themselves to those who so valiantly fought for civil rights!  "These people," Jesus cries, "are insane, they wish to destroy your children to fulfill their lust.  Why do you stand with them when you are decent and honorable people?  Do the will of God!  Stop this insanity!  Save my children!"  We can only hope, we can only pray that the Massachusetts legislature listens, that they hear The Son Of God today, because all others have betrayed Him, refused to stand for Him.  They have all said "I prefer the ways of man.  I will let my children be sodomized. I will let man fornicate with them.  I want to be well liked and popular.  I don't want to hurt peoples' feelings.  It's not that  important!"  When they watch their children dying in agony, begging for eternal life, when it is lost to them forever, they will understand how important a matter it is.  Of course then, for their children, it will be too late, it will be far too late.  They will cry "But Lord, I meant well. I just wanted to be fair," but there will be no one there to hear, for The Lord will be gone, because there will be no one left that worships Him any more.  The decision the Massachusetts legislature is making is a  matter of life and death.  We pray Jesus can make them listen.
Jesus sends a special message to The First Lady. He says "Laura, where are you?  Why are you not speaking for me?  Why have you forsaken me?  Why do you not believe any more?  Why are you letting my people die?  Why are you destroying them?  Do you not know that not speaking when you know you should is just as evil as saying the wrong thing and promoting evil?  You are sending my little ones to eternal death.  Why don't you love them any more?  Why don't you love me any more?  At least tell me, at least tell me how I have failed you. I have given you everything in the world, all my power and glory.  What more can I do?  Answer me!  Tell me, in the name of God The Father, what more must I do before you will say 'Lord, I hear you, I will obey.  I will do Your will.'  I have a right to an answer, Laura, I have a right to know why you are betraying me.  God has a right to know why you are betraying Him.  Give us the common decency of an answer!"

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 They're having a big row in England right now because the British may have tapped Koffie Annan's telephone calls before the war to find out if he was passing information to The Iraqis or others trying to stop the war.  Somebody asked "Did the leaders of The Old Worlds ever have those problems?"
Well, if you were a Haven governor you could almost bet that The Lord's Guard was monitoring your private communications.  It was almost a certainty.  Perhaps the communications of The Lord God, Himself, were not tapped into, but I guarantee you everybody under Him was monitored!  The Lord's Guard was ever vigilant for any kind of improper behavior, and everyone had to be constantly cautious of what they said over public communications.  Anything you wanted kept secret you had to transmit in private code and hope The Lord's Guard's experts couldn't crack it.
The Hashons, in any level, had no worry about Their private communications being monitored.  It was strictly forbidden except in the most serious circumstances, then a judge might grant a communication's tap.  But the evidence would almost have to be enough to convict the person without it.
The Peepians were even stricter about privacy.  It was even more difficult for Their security agencies to get permission to spy on someone.  On The Old Worlds it all depended on where you lived, as to how much privacy you had.  I'm sure I know which Worlds you would prefer to live on!

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