February 17, 2,004
Laid Back And Relaxed

Well, hadn't intended an email this morning, but things are so easy in Wisconsin our regular Angelic Messengers have nothing to do!  So Jesus said "Send an email!  Tell the people how disappointed I am that Laura Bush will not answer my private messages, that you feel her staff is not passing them on to her, that she is not receiving the instructions I am giving her.  I will now make those instructions public.
I ask Laura Bush, First Lady Of The United States, to go to California and to lead the effort there to stop the flood of homosexual marriages, to have the people issuing these licenses arrested and to seize and destroy all licenses that have already been issued because they are illegal.  I ask her to do this now!  Not tomorrow, not next week, today!  I ask her to go to her husband and say "Give me a damn plane and some people!  I'm going to California right now!  Jesus told me to do it, and I'm going to do it!  I'm not going to argue with The Son Of God, I'm going to do what I'm supposed to do!  And if The Democrats don't like it, too bad!  What they're doing is wrong, they're destroying our children, and it's got to stop.   I'm going to help stop it NOW!"  If her husband won't give her a plane, I want her to go to the nearest airport and take a public one.  But I want her to go!  I want her to go now, and I want her to do what she's supposed to do!  As The Lord Of Heaven, as The Ruler Of All Christians, I am ordering her to obey!  If she is a true believer she will obey."
That is what Jesus says to The First Lady.  Look out, George W.!  Jesus is trying to divide your house.   He wants your wife to be a rabble rouser, to go out and do things people aren't going to like!  Hey, isn't that what He did?  Isn't that why they crucified Him?  Interesting thought, huh?
That's all from The Kingdom Of God today.  Waiting to see the Wisconsin Results.  They're pretty sure Dean is just about finished.  They've already turned most of his votes to Kerry.  They just want to see how successful They are.  What's Dean doing with all this money he's raising?  How much is he raising?  Where is it going?  Well, we'll see how much good it did today!

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