April 14, 2,004
Muhammed Calls His Warriors

An Open Letter From The Leader Of Islam
To George W. Bush, President Of The United States

I listened to your speech last night with profound interest.  You speak repeatedly of the Iraqi people having justice, yet you will not deal with Hussein and end, forever, his influence on the Iraqi people, and, the world.  Again I ask you to deal with this before you return soverignty to the Iraqi people.  Do not leave this for them to deal with.  If you do it will destroy everything you are trying to do.  Despite your inaction on this matter, because of the current situation I must take certain action.
One, I declare that all American troops, and, any troops of your coalition fighting in Iraq are soldiers under my personal command, fighting a holy jihad in support of the people of Iraq to remove the foul creatures from among them that would destroy them and, all mankind.  I hereby state clearly, and without any question so all the people of Iraq will know, any evil done to any coalition soldier under any circumstances will be evil done directly to me and will be punished accordingly, by The Law Of God.  If any of these soldiers are harmed, I am harmed.  If any of these soldiers are murdered I am murdered, and those who murder them are the enemies of God, Wonderful And Magnificent.
Secondly, I put all foreign citizens in Iraq under my personal protection.  Any of them that are attacked is again, a personal attack on me.  Hear me, and hear me well!  The age old tradition of hospitality that I live by will not be violated!  I will not be shamed before God by foul monsters that claim to be men, and have no conscience or understanding!  I have dispatched The Angel Of Death to hunt and destroy them, and I have ordered him to have no mercy or pity against those who shame my name.  I will not live in dishonor!  I will not have my name shamed before God because men say they do these evil things according to my teachings, when it is not so!  The things that they do are their own evil.
Lastly, I give the Commander of The American Forces In Iraq authority directly from me, directly from God, to enter into any city, to enter into any holy place, and seize any individual, no matter how holy the people think he is, who encourages the people to unholy violence, who encourages the people to evil.  I give him the right to seize all who teach hate, to try them and dispense justice to them, even to end their unholy existence.  I  give this authority as God's Messenger, and, if the American Commander wishes, I personally, will issue warrants of arrest signed by my one true Representative on Earth, who is also the only true Representative of Jesus Of Nazareth, Called The Christ.  I will give in writing, any order that the American leader in Iraq requests if I feel it is appropriate.  All they have to do is write them up, bring them to my Servant, and he will sign them, and his sitnature will be the same as mine, giving anyone that bears it my authority in any matter.  I wish to help you, I wish to help every American soldier.  I will put my power behind them 100% and I will give nothing to those that betray me, for those that murder and rape.  I stand ready, The Holy Warriors Of Islam from every age stand ready.  If these foul creatures that know only haate want war, let us give them war!  If they want hell, let us give them hell!  For this is God's Command!

Yours In His Service, Now And Forever,

Muhammed, Called The Prophet
The Founder Of Islam

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