April 2, 2,004
Power Waning

Those in The Afterlife totally perplexed as to how to deal with our current problem.  According to the Experts over There we have only two weeks of power left that we can use our full abilities, and then we're going to have to cut back.  "Here's Jesus!" will have to be suspended.  Hopefully we can still maintain enough to keep an email a day going.  But we may have to skip some days as the power levels may fluctuate and some days we would simply not have enough power to find out what is happening in The Afterlife and relay those messages to the living.
We have had some offers of assistance if we could move someplace else.  But every time this possibility is suggested Jesus says "Positively and absolutely not!  You must stay in North Dakota!  You can make short sojourns out of it, of a couple of months or so, but you cannot live anywhere else permanently."  He will not budge, is totally inflexible on the subject!  He says "Those that need to help you must come to you.  You cannot go to them."  So that's it!  Can't move, except to Valley City when we're financially able.  So until somebody comes along with the means to give us what we need we're simply going to have to restrict our Work and simply try to survive until someone, somewhere answers the call and says "Lord, I hear, I believe, I am going to Your Servants!"
John Lennon is desperately trying to reach out to some of his old associates, sending them private messages he is praying they will recognize, that they will rally to us, and help us.  Jesus is personally contacting people, personally touching people that are receiving our messages, and telling them that we are real.  The Holy Spirit is going out every day with every one of our messages, and touching the people that receive them, and telling them they are true, yet none will believe.  They all reject because what we're saying isn't what they want to hear, isn't what they want to say to other people.
We have the most powerful Entity on Earth backing our every move, yet no one will answer!  It is perplexing Everyone in The Afterlife.  They wonder how much more people need.  Day after day The Angelic Messengers touch some people and they know our messages are true, but they shake their heads and will not act.  They destroy themselves and all they love.  Because when they find out what they have done when they leave this world, it will destroy them.   No one will punish them, no one will rebuke them, they will simply tell them what they have done, and their own despair will destroy them.  They will cry "God!  God!  Why didn't I listen!"  before they cease to exist forever.
We simply don't know what else to do!  If people will not respond to the power that we are using, if they prefer eternal death, we don't know what else to do!  Those in The Afterlife don't know what else to do.  So many say they believe but have no belief at all, and won't until it's too late.  Jesus needs his letters published in major newspapers.  Muhammed needs his letters published so he knows they are reaching President Bush, that no one is intercepting them.  But if no one believes, if no one says "I will do this!  I will sponsor this!  I hear the voice, I hear The Son Of God," it will never get done, and those who said no will die forever.  But it will not be because we didn't try.

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Were talking the other day at work about what a rip off mandatory auto insurance was, and the question arose "Did the people of The Old Worlds have the same problem?  Were good drivers required to carry insurance?"  This seems to be a phenomena wholly special to the human race.  None of The Old Worlds had mandatory insurance.  On Haven if you were rich enough to own a private vehicle you were rich enough to pay any damages that the use of it might cause.  You didn't have to worry about paying other peoples' medical expenses in an accident, as all medical services were provided free, or, at cost if you were well to do.  The idea of making people pay insurance against their wishes was completely outside the Haven way of thinking.  The Hashons only required mandatory insurance if a person was considered to be a reckless user.  Damages were paid from a general fund gathered from road taxes, and ordinary people didn't have to worry about it to drive a vehicle.  Among The Peepians the private ownership of vehicles, even in the glory times, as they were called, was very rare.  Almost everyone relied on public transportation.  So automobile insurance, for them, was a very strange idea.

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