A Pass Of Free Access And Passage

Issued By The Founder of Islam In Paradise

To The Civilian Workers Trying To Help The People Of Iraq
 Restore Their Basic Services.

Be it known to all men that the bearer of this pass is under my personal protection because they are working in the nation of Iraq to help the people of Iraq.  Should any individual harm them in any way they shall lose their place in Paradise.  Should any individual kill one of these people they shall be destroyed forever.  All hospitality and kindness should be shown to the bearers of these passes.  If anyone should believe they are committing any illegal offense under Iraqi law, those beliefs should be made known to the local authorities, but no one bearing this pass should be harmed in any way, other than to ask that they be removed from Iraq.  They are under God's personal protection, as well as mine.  The power of God is over them, and the punishment of God is on any that harm them.

I command my earthly Servant, my one true voice that I recognize on Earth, to sign this pass in my name.  His signature on any document shall be considered the same as mine.  Any that deny him, any that oppose him, lose their eternal existence, lose Paradise.  I give this pass in the name of God, The Just And Merciful.  It bears His power and His authority.

His Servant Forever,

Muhammed, Called The Prophet



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