April 27, 2,004
Johann Rocks For John Lennon!

 Everyone In The Afterlife desperately trying to find some way to fund our Work.  Where we have been unable to get John Lennon's Work out to the public, as he wished, because of legal difficulties, Johann Sebastian Bach, his dear friend, has written sixteen rock and roll songs, and wants us to put them out to raise money. So far, though The Angelic Choir has been singing the songs and trying to get them through to Speaker Linda Polley, we have only gotten one in whole, that is "We Need Our Dear John," and bits and pieces of "Here's To The Heroes."
We wish so much the energy levels were better so Linda could get them through.  Everybody in The Afterlife is saying this is definitely not John Lennon's Work, but that old Bach has really tried!  How these Dear Ones want so desperately to help us, to get us what we need so we can do Jesus' Work.  Some day They may actually succeed, and that's gonna scare some people!  If you would like the lyrics to "We Need Our Dear John," email Speaker Polley, and she'll send them out to you.  Put "Would Like Lyrics" in your subject.
Kingdom Of God Believes Kerry Should Be Allowed Communion.  Though the Democratic candidate for President is not too popular with The Kingdom Of God, because of his stand on homosexual marriage, The Kingdom Of God does not support the abortion issue because They believe the anti abortion peoples' teachings are blasphemy, so in this particular circumstance They do not believe Kerry should be denied the services of The Catholic Church.  If he should be denied communion it should be for his support of homosexuality, not for his support of abortion.  The Catholics seem to have everything all twisted around.  The issue they should be condemning Kerry on is the one they're hardly mentioning, and these are the strangest, strangest times!
Veterans Challenge Kerry.  They say if he hasn't thrown his medals away, prove it!  Show them!  Display them in public.  Then everybody will know for sure that he still has them.  Simple solution, isn't it?
Muhammed Pleased Jordan Foiled Al Quaida Chemical Attack.  Now wishes they would lend greater support in Iraq, where their enemies are entrenched.  Muhammed again declares that those fighting Al Quaida are taking part in his holy jihad against those trying to destroy Islam, and he gives praise to all the righteous fighters.

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