May 30, 2,004
Why, John?

An Open Letter From John Lennon Formerly Of The Rock Band The Beatles
    To The People Of Earth

 I have been asked to explain why I have turned against my former wife Yoko, divorced her, and am remarrying.  The answer is simple.  Over a year ago some friends approached my workers and associates The Polleys, and offered to produce my new music.  They approached Yoko and gave her my message.  She rejected that message and has been fighting the effort to get my new music to the public.  In doing so she has kept The Polleys from becoming known, and carrying the other messages to the public they have been receiving from Jesus Of Nazareth Who Is Called The Christ, and, from Muhammed, Who Is Called The Prophet.  Because she has blocked these messages, because she has denied The Polleys the recognition that they are due, she is responsible for the deaths of thousands of innocent children, and the loss of thousands of Souls which threatens the very existence of mankind.  She knows what The Polleys are saying is true, she knows that the music they are giving is from me.  She has betrayed me for her lust and greed, therefore, our relationship is ended, forever.  That's why I have turned against Yoko Ono.

John Lennon, Apostle And Friend Of Jesus Of Nazareth, The Ruler Of Heaven

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Everyone is asking for more information on John Lennon's new bride, Mary Marie Francesca.   There is very little to give!  She was the daughter of a Spanish diplomat in the 1800s.  Her mother died in childbirth.  She was raised by her aunt until she was about five, and then her aunt died.  She was then sent to a convent, where she spent the rest of her life until she was about fifteen, and died of cholera, along with most of the other people in the convent.  Upon entering The Afterlife she took a job in The Bureau Of Religious Assignments as one of Lord Paul's clerks, and quickly worked her way up through the ranks, so when Paul resigned because of the betrayal of Jesus she, for a while, ran the bureau until John Lennon was appointed Apostle Of Religious Assignments.  She became his executive assistant, and has been fundamental in assisting him in the horrendous changes that have been occurring in The Kingdom Of God due to the betrayal. Also, with her friend Anna Marie, who was with her in the convent, she performs with Beatles & Friends, giving female back up and doing dance routines.   Respect and devotion quickly turned to love, and when John offered to make her his Soul companion, she accepted.  She is honored for her long and devoted service to Jesus, and the people think John could not have made a better choice.

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