June 1, 2,004
New Voices!  John Lennon's Divorce And Wedding!

We had to put up a special edition of Voices because of the incredible news of John Lennon's divorce from Yoko Ono, and his remarriage in The Kingdom Of God!  We have put as many details as we could about what is going to happen June 11th in this magazine.  John has made a special request that people have concerts and parties for him on his wedding day and, that the proceeds from these gatherings as a wedding gift to him and his bride, go to help children wounded in the fighting in Iraq, to cover their medical needs, and, to provide them scholarships to attend British and American schools, or, Iraqi schools if they are available.  We think this is a wonderful idea to celebrate the joy throughout The Afterlife that John has broken free of Yoko, and as much as he loves her, has rejected her evil.  There is a full explanation in the magazine expressing his feelings better than we ever could, here.  This is an horrendous occasion.  It is sad it had to happen.


Believe it or not, we have even been invited to sing at the wedding reception, at least one song I wrote many years ago called "The Morning Dove," and perhaps a couple of other numbers.  We're trying to select what from our repetoir.
Right now we are still scheduled for June 10th for Jimmy Kimmel, which is going to make it close.
Jesus' wedding gift to the happy couple is that He will reveal, as soon as He can find a national outlet, the past lives of George & Laura Bush, to make the world understand why He is so disappointed they will not completely follow The Kingdom Of God's way, will not take up His battles.
John is very angry that Bach's song for the troops in Iraq, "Here's To The Warriors," was not sung at any celebrations, Memorial Day.  He blames Yoko for this because she has interfered with our Work when she knows we are true.  These are wild and exciting times!  You never know what's going to happen next!  But John's back into the fight, and he's back with a vengeance!
Here's Jesus! is going again.  You want to check each day to see what He's talking about.  Some are serious, some are just plain fun, but they're all The Son Of God, and of The Light.


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