June 15, 2,004
Strange Happenings

The spiritual dead zone in Shiraz, Iran, has spontaneously collapsed leaving only two dead zones left in that country, and eleven left in the world.  There are a couple of odd things to report, however.  The young demons in Iraq, the ones that were suicide car bombers, especially those from other nations, are desperately trying to leave Iraq but they are not strong enough to penetrate the natural barrier around the country's borders.  Observers have seen them throwing themselves against the barriers time and time again, and shrieking horribly.  When any other Spirit approaches them they run away.  We are not sure but some believe there is a possibility the demons actually think we may get to Iraq,  they fear their destruction, and are trying to escape before we arrive.  It is a very incredible phenomena to watch.  Older, stronger demons sometimes torment the younger ones by going back and forth through the barriers in front of them.  Others have actually been seen attacking the younger ones.  As there appears to be plenty of feeding still in the area, there is no real explanation for this behavior.  It leaves Everybody wondering.  But these young demons sense something, they are terrified, and that doesn't bother us at all!

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June 16, 2,004
Congratulations Detroit Pistons!

Our congratulations to The Detroit Pistons on winning the national championships.  They broke the odds.  They were the underdog in The Afterlife.  Everybody was betting on The Lakers three to 1 in a full series.  Going to be a lot of people working off a lot of debts!

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