Anna Marie Installed

Well, the honeymooners are back!  John Lennon has returned to his office in The Afterlife, and The Bureau Of Religious Assignments is reopened.  Where Mary Marie, John's executive secretary, is now his wife, and will be taking on the responsibilities of an Apostle's wife, this leaves her position open.  In a formal ceremony as soon as John regained his office, he elevated his wife's former secretary and dear friend, Anna Marie, to his executive assistant.  Everyone in The Kingdom Of God was absolutely delighted!  Everyone thought John could've made no better choice for his executive assistant.  The lady's steadfast devotion to The Lord Of Heaven and her courage through the ongoing crisis has been an inspiration to many.  Heaven's roster of heroes is many!  Unfortunately Their support among the living is not very strong.
Everyone is very angry that it is taking so long for the world to act and get food and water to the starving people in Chad, and to stop the murder of the innocent there by the fundamentalists.  Jesus asked George W. Bush plainly, "What is the matter?  Why aren't you taking action?  Is it because these people are dark of skin and it is Arabs that are killing them?  God will judge what you do in this hour, and how swiftly you act, and he will judge harshly.  For these children of color are just as precious to him as the children of any other hue."  Jesus wants action, and He wants it NOW, and if men in authority want to enter into His Kingdom He had better start seeing some, soon, or they will find themselves outside, crying "Lord, Lord!  I had too many other things to do.  My forces were stretched too thin.  I couldn't offend my allies!"  The men who give these answers will be told "Go away!  You do not know me, you have never known me!" There is no forgiveness for starving children to death.  God will not permit it!  The living should hear my warning and know  it is from The Bearers Of The Light.

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A Personal Review

Finally broke down and went out and ought an inexpensive DVD player.  The neighbors have been kind enough to lend us some of the latest movies.  One of them was "Elizabeth, so called historical fiction.  We got done watching it, and Queen Elizabeth was saying "To borrow a phrase from one of my illustrious successors, I am not amused!  Why do these people always make me out a whimpering child?  I had command of the court from the moment I took the crown.  Those who opposed me did not dare to do so openly, but plotted secretly with the priesthood in Rome, a plot Rome came to regret."
The betrayal of several other people in the film is also ludicrous, especially Mary, Queen Of Scots, and her cousin who this film does grave dishonor.  Dear Mary says, and I quote, "They're mine!  Everybody else get out of my way.  This is personal!" I would say these individuals are in a bit of trouble.  They might not know it, but they are.  There's nothing like going right to the source for the comments on something!  I don't think the people that made this film are going to get a very pleasant welcome in The Afterlife. No, I KNOW they're not!  They're going to get a very unpleasant one!  Sick 'em, Queenie!

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