June 30, 2,004
Odd Message

Sometimes we get some of the strangest emails!  Check this one out below.  We appreciate the good wishes, but why is this person giving them if they think we're a mental case?  Very, very odd!  But I guess you could say everything with us is very, very odd!


I think your a very sweet couple and your mission well I think you are both in need of help.
I cant belive that what you are doing you actuly think is real, But if it gets you through life all the power to you.
Linda your voice is really well you sound like you sing through your nose and well it is the funny voice I have ever heard but well I quess you could say you sound like a mouse singing but please I am not trying to sound rude I THINK is is kind of cute.lol
I pray that you both see the real life we live in this world and get some help from a good mental health office and get well.
As far as your getting a message from John Lenon well this is where I belive you both need a lot of mental health but as long as you both are happy and well than God bless you and keep you both May God be with you and love you always.
I wish you all the best in this ugly world and I do agree with you both and if you can help make this world a better place then God will have a place for you in heaven.
I pray that you both do well in life and if you ever need help of any kind please dont be afraid to ask and I will do my best to help you any way I can .

May God love you and walk with you always

God bless what you both are trying to do.

I love you both. Keep up your work

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