June 14, 2,004
Our Man Mr. Jay!

It never stops coming!  And you never know when it's going to come.  Linda gets virtually all the songs.  Every once and a while I pick up parts of one and then she gets the rest of it.  But yesterday I got a little ditty all by myself!  I was hobbling along mowing the lawn, when George Harrison came to me just as clear as if he was standing right beside me and talking to me.  He said "Hey, Demetrius!  Sooner or later you're gonna get on The Tonight Show and Jay's gonna want something where you're doing stuff for other people.  How about this?"  and he sang this little jingle to me.  Just as soon as I finished mowing the lawn I ran in the house and gave it to Linda.  It just never stops!  Those in The Afterlife want us to succeed so much They keep trying to find any way they can to get people to like us.  Hope you enjoy this little ditty as much as we do.

By; George Harrison
Channeled Through; Gerald A. Polley
All rights reserved.

1. Leno, Leno!
Here comes Mr. Jay!
Leno, Leno!
The Tonight Show's on it's way!

2. He may have a diplomat,
a beauty star or king,
Leno, Leno!
Here comes Mr. Jay!

3. Everybody's talkin'!
What are they gonna say?
Everybody's talkin'
to our man, Mr. Jay!

4. Leno, Leno!
The Tonight Show's on today!
Leno, Leno!
Here comes Mr. Jay!

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