"We Object!"

There was one tiny dark spot at John's wedding.  When Jesus got to the part where He said "Is there anyone who objects?" several of Yoko's supporters rose and said they objected because they did not believe she had been given an opportunity to answer the accusations made against her.  They were not sure she had heard John's message and rejected it.  Jesus heard their objections then sat them aside, saying "I believe she has heard John's message but even if she has not the other complaints against her are enough to grant the separation and allow remarriage.  In the event that the lady does mend her ways and enter The Kingdom Of God, some accommodation will be made for her.  But her rejection of the love of God, in the favor of fornication has made her unacceptable, dead to Us.  Therefore, this ceremony can continue."  With that the wedding was concluded.

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Mary Marie Empowered

Continuing on things about John's wedding, the brief mention of her on television has started energy flowing to John Lennon's new wife, Mary Marie Francesca....no, Mary Marie Lennon, which she is channeling to our Work as John channels much of his power to us.  This is a new experience for her.  She has never been a focal point for the living's affection, and does not quite know how to deal with the phenomena.  But her husband is helping her adjust, and I think she'll quickly get the hang of it.  But The Kingdom Of God now has a new power source.  Those dark hours of despair are fading away.   We are still struggling, but we are struggling, now, fully armed, fully empowered, fully fueled.  We're going after the enemy with everything We've got, and I don't think he appreciates it.  He threw the basketball finals at Us, a dead president, a famous entertainer, they even tried to get Jimmy in trouble and take him off the air, but they did not succeed!  We got there and we got the message out!  Now We've got a lot more to get out!  As John Lennon says in his song "There's still a lot that we can do!  We ain't done yet!"

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Linda has been busy once again with her pencils!  Check out the links below to see her drawings detailing what has been happening with John Lennon in The Afterlife recently, including his wedding to Mary Marie Francesca June 11, 2,004.



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Way To Go, Ray!

Speaking of John Lennon's wedding, an incredible thing occurred concerning it.  Ray Charles made a successful and easy trip to The Afterlife.  He was greeting many old friends with virtually the same statement.  "God bless you!  It's so glorious to actually see you again!"  During the course of his greetings somebody mentioned John's wedding was occurring, and Ray commented "I wish I could go and do a number for John!"  Everybody immediately sprang into action.  Somebody brought the song we were originally supposed to do on Jimmy Kimmel, "We Have Our Dear John!"  Ray looked at it, and went "Wow!  Like this!" and in a few minutes had it down pat!  He came to the reception and performed before we did, adding a couple more of his own numbers.  After our performance he greeted us and said "I understand you work for John.  Marvelous!  Marvelous!  But get your own work done too.  That was very good, that was VERY good!"  I thanked him for his flattery and we departed for home because we were extremely weary.  But doing what we do you never know what's going to happen, but we are delight that Ray journeyed so comfortably and is already fitting in so well!  If only everyone that entered The Afterlife was so well off.

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